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Account Setup for New Members

MichaelStevens edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 2 revisions


This page contains a list of all the accounts the ERHS Robotics Programming Team uses and instructions for signing up. All accounts should be free.

Setting up a Google account

We use many of Google's services including: Google Groups, Google Plus Hangouts, Gmail, and Google calendar.


* Note: If you have a Google account (a Gmail) already you may skip this section.
  1. Navigate to
  2. Fill out the Signup form

Setting up a GitHub Account

GitHub provides a remote server to store programming projects or repositories so that they are accsesible to everyone. GitHub also provides many different code analysis tools.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Fill in the sign up form on the main page(if you're a member of our team, please use an email you check regularly)

Setting up a Trello Account

Trello is a project management site we use to keep track of project tasks, information, progress, and members.


  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Sign up button located in the center of the page.
  3. You will have the option of creating a new account or signing in with your Google account. You may find it more convenient to use your google account.

Setting up Programming Membership

Google, GitHub, and Trello all have group organizational tools. To join the respective programming groups, follow the instructions below.


  1. Email your full name along with your Gmail account, GitHub user name, and Trello user name to so we can add you to the ERHS robotics group on each.

Next Steps

You will also need to setup Git. Git is NOT the same thing as GitHub. For more information and installation directions see Setup Git.