Research Title: Shrubification in the Western Arctic and its Effects on the Porcupine Caribou Herd Habitat
Repository includes: datasets, figures, R scripts, statistical output, Markdown structure, backup material, project organisation.
PCH_Core_Range_2016: PCH core range data (Porcupine Caribou Management Board, 2016)
berner_data: Shrub map of North Slope of Alaska (Berner et al, 2021)
ITEX_data: plot-based vegetation cover data
phenology_data: ITEX phenology data (Prevéy et al, 2021)
climate_data: CHELSA temperature and precipitation data
anna_data: data used for model RMarkdown dissertation - NOT actual data I need
- RQ1_mapping_EZ.R: script with full shrub raster, full PCH range and cropped shrub map code
- RQ1_sampling_EZ.R: script with focal study area ID and buffered random sampling method
- RQ1_models_EZ.R: script with models to answer RQ1
- RQ2_extraction_EZ.R: script with climate extraction code
- RQ2_models_EZ.R: script with models to answer RQ2
- RQ3_mariana_cleaning_EZ: script adapted from Mariana Garcia Criado's ITEX dataset data wranglig script. Modified to keep only functional groups I needed.
- RQ3_vegcover_EZ.R: script with models for cover of functional groups over time in the ANWR
- RQ3_shrubcover_EZ.R: script with models for cover of shrubs over time in the ANWR
- RQ4_wrangle_EZ.R: script with data wrangling for shrub phenology analysis
- RQ4_models_EZ.R: script with shrub phenology models
- RQ1_extras_EZ: NOT USED extra code/analyses for RQ1
- RQ2_extras_EZ: NOT USED extra code/analyses for RQ2
- RQ3_extras_EZ: NOT USED extra code/analyses for RQ3
- RQ3_shrubcover_separate_EZ.R: script with separate models for each shrub genus
- RQ3_vegcover_separate_EZ.R: script with separate models for each functional group
- RQ4_extras_EZ: NOT USED extra code/analyses for RQ4
- other scripts including scraps and experiments
- figures produced
- separate Rmd sections of dissertation report
- safety and ethics signed forms, title proposal, outline plan, budget form
- one page outline, full thesis plan and proposed methods
version 1.2.5001 or greater- packages
- Familiarising with GIS techniques
- Learning spatial analysis
- Working with large datasets and data wrangling
- Using data to answer ecological questions
- Please use either an issue or a pull request.
- Please use "###" and your initial before your feedback comments.
- Please feel free to comment on anything at all! Be harsh ;)
- I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about my work.
I thank the data providers, my supervisor Dr Isla Myers Smith, and Team Shrub members for their support.