Easy to connect, and interact with Service Now API
📕 See the Full Documentation
Make request using fluent API!
- 🧰 Easy to use, based on the config file it connects and authenticate without one line of code
- 🔑 Typed data, you can use properties to manipulate and restrict requests
- 🛠 Typed properties can be used in Selects, Queries, Ordering...
- 🧩 Auto serialize/deserialize included
- 🎲 Generic Json Elements available as responses
- 📑 Methods and classes have documentation comments, get feedback as you type
- 🗜 Compress requests by default
- 👓 Extensions methods to change and get data from generic responses, log and much more...
- .Net Core 3.1
- .Net Framework 4.6.1
- Install the package.
- Set an appsettings.json with correct connection values.
- The library check if scope has and .default or not to define how it will get access tokens
- You can use Credentials or Client Secrets for daemon applications
- Create an instance of ServiceNow.
- Create an instance of a Table, (typed or not).
- Configure the request as you like.
- make the request with ToListAsync.
- Typed (Create any class derived from ServiceNowBaseModel class, so we have an Id Guid)
//Creating an ServiceNow instance
var ServiceNow = new ServiceNow(config);
//Creating an table instance
var usersTable = ServiceNow
.WithQuery(x => $"{x.Name} like Branco and {x.Country} = BR");
//Getting data
var users = await usersTable.ToListAsync();
while (users.Count > 0)
foreach (var user in users)
//Next Request will get the next chunk of data
users = await usersTable.ToListAsync();
Same as above but using Where
//Creating an table instance
var usersTable = ServiceNow
.Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Branco") && x.Country = "BR");
- Not typed
var usersTableNotTyped = ServiceNow
.WithQuery("name like Branco and country = BR");
var usersNotTyped = await usersTableNotTyped.ToListAsync();
while (usersNotTyped.Count > 0)
usersNotTyped.ForEach(userNotTyped => userNotTyped.Display());
usersNotTyped = await usersTableNotTyped.ToListAsync();
- Changing not typed Data
//Creating a table instance
var incidentsTableNotTyped = ServiceNow
//Getting data
var incidentsNotTyped = await incidentsTableNotTyped
.Select(new[] { "sys_id", "short_description" })
.WithQuery("short_description like some nice")
incidentsNotTyped.ForEach(async incident =>
Guid id = new Guid(incident.GetProperty("sys_id").ToString());
ExpandoObject inc = incident.ToObject();
inc.UpdateProp("short_description", "changed description on non typed value");
var changed = await incidentsTableNotTyped.Update(id, inc);
if (changed)
Console.WriteLine("Incident Changed");
Console.WriteLine("Incident NOT Changed");
See Service Now Docs to learn more
- You must first create an application in studio inside ServiceNow and then:
- Create a catalogItem
- create a flow
var requestCatalog = serviceNow.UsingCatalog<Request>(new Guid("catalogItemIdHere"));
var request = await requestCatalog.Request(new{
varNameHereString = "string",
varNameHereNumber = 10,
varNameHereReference = new Guid(sys_id),
}); ;
//AddCustom Custom Serializers to static class used in ServiceNow
JsonConverterOptions.ConfigureCustomSerializers(new[] {
new CustomRequestStateConverter()
When there is no value in the json response (while using not nullable version) it will return:
- new DateTime() "{1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}"
- Guid.Empty
That happens because ServiceNow not always return null, in those cases it returns an empty string.
- You can open issues to help improve and collaborate with the library.
- Demos included in project (only the console version for now)
Emerson Bottero Branco DBAM Automation
- 0.8.0
- Table Creation
- Select
- Set Headers
- With Query
- Limit
- OrderBy
- OrderByDesc
- ToList
- Get
- Delete
- Create
- Update
- Compression
- Bug fix (authenticate and when token expiries)
- Extensions method
- More complex console demo examples
- Authentication Improvements
- Working web API demo (unavailable for now)
- Custom Serializers Settings
- New JsonConverters for null-able and normal types
- New Update method
- When writing new Classes don't set sys_id as null
- Enum.ToDescription Method
- WithQuery with no arguments
- ImportSet API
- SnowTable Attribute in classes (remove the need to pass table name as argument in WithTable methods)
- 0.8.1
- Where Statement for usingTables
- 0.8.2
- Small Fix and simples documentation
- 0.8.3
- INSTANCEOF and set property to lower case in sysparam