A go package for turning a Delcom led light red, green, or yellow.
This project depends on go.hid which is a wrapper for signal11/hidapi.
To install hidapi:
git clone git@github.com:signal11/hidapi.git
cd hidapi
On OSX I found that bootstrap required automake and other packages.
sudo port install automake autoconf libtool
For linux + hidraw: cd linux
. (requires libudev. Package libudev-dev on debian/ubuntu.)
For linux + libusb: cd libusb
. (requires libusb. Package libusb-1.0-0-dev on debian/ubuntu.)
For mac: cd mac
For windows: cd windows
Make and install. For linux/mac:
sudo make install
Lastly, for linux only: Create a symlink pointing libhidapi.so to the version you chose:
For linux + hidraw: cd /usr/local/lib; sudo ln -s libhidapi-hidraw.so libhidapi.so
For linux + libusb: cd /usr/local/lib; sudo ln -s libhidapi-libusb.so libhidapi.so
For more instructions on libhidapi, please visit signal11/hidapi.
When you have installed hidapi lib, install go.hid package with go get github.com/GeertJohan/go.hid
Then install this package with go get github.com/erichhansen/golight
There are 3 main methods - On, Off, and Flash.
- On Turn light on
- Off Turn light off
- Flash Make light flash
For more information communicating with the delcom light refer the the USB IO HID Datasheet.