Compiler written Haskell for learning purposes. Functional by nature.
; function composition example
(define compose [f g x] [f (g x)])
(define incr [x] (+ x 1))
(define double [x] (* x 2))
(let f (compose incr double))
(put (f 5)) ; (5 * 2) + 1 = 11
Rename everything (including function bindings) a priori
Add IR to create label Mapping (Label maps to Function AND a map from their bound variables to their depth)
Program :: [Map Label (IR, Map Variable Depth)]
- Create proper stack frames (Recursion support)
- The current method of scoping does not work, and some things may break
- Verify first-class functions work
Lambda Lifting (Closure support)
Compile to assembly intermediate instead of directly
Basic typechecking (up to higher-kinded types)
- Typechecking
- Write out overall structure ^^;
- Refactor IR's
to not be errors with Monad transformers - Convert std functions to be curried by default
- Add more std functions (including non-binary operations)
- Plan out language features
- Non-Lispy syntax, since its not really a Lisp dialect
- Parsing to AST at the Parser Combinator level
- CLI to compile vs repl
- Document structure of compiler and examples of language
- Implement
with static strings - Write more tests for compiler's individual passes
- Dependent types