This project aims to provide complete CQRS/Event Sourcing platform.
- Authentication.
- Authorization.
- Verification (sms, email).
- User registration with email verification.
- Push notifications (sms, email, websocket).
- Data pagination.
- Form Builder. Build forms, just the way you do it in Google forms.
Install sbt, postgresql, protoc-3.2.0, nodejs, @angular/cli:
Create database annette_sphera
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
create database annette_sphera;
Generate postgresql schema. In conf/application.conf set this:
core.initDb.createSchema = true
Build frontend:
cd annette-frontend-sphera/ng/
npm install
npm run build
- Start sbt task:
cd ../../
sbt ~annette-sphera-server/reStart
val userRoutes: Route = (pathPrefix("users") & authorized) { implicit session =>
createUser ~ getUser ~ updateUser ~ deleteUser ~ listUsers
def listUsers(implicit session: Session): Route = (get & pagination) { page =>
* = Authorization directive =
* Для проверки прав доступа нужно извлечь uri ресурса, http метод и сессию пользователя.
val authorized: Directive1[Session] = {
(extractUri & extractMethod & authenticated) tflatMap {
case (uri, httpMethod, session) =>
authorizeAsync(authorizationCheck(uri, httpMethod, session)) & provide(session)
Contributions are very welcome!
If you see an issue that you'd like to see fixed, the best way to make it happen is to help out by submitting a pull request implementing it.
Refer to the and file for more details about the workflow, and general hints on how to prepare your pull request. You can also ask for clarifications or guidance in GitHub issues.
Annette-Sphera is Open Source and available under the Apache License, Version 2.0