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dvovk/limit mem usage (#10069)
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Implemented limit for saving peers in an Erigon node memory to be able
to turn on diagnostics data collection by default.
dvovk authored Apr 29, 2024
1 parent aed056f commit 2b83da1
Showing 4 changed files with 374 additions and 60 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion erigon-lib/diagnostics/client.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type DiagnosticClient struct {
mu sync.Mutex
headerMutex sync.Mutex
hardwareInfo HardwareInfo
peersSyncMap sync.Map
peersStats *PeerStats
headers Headers
bodies BodiesInfo
bodiesMutex sync.Mutex
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ func NewDiagnosticClient(metricsMux *http.ServeMux, dataDirPath string) *Diagnos
resourcesUsage: ResourcesUsage{
MemoryUsage: []MemoryStats{},
peersStats: NewPeerStats(1000), // 1000 is the limit of peers; TODO: make it configurable through a flag

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion erigon-lib/diagnostics/entities.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@

package diagnostics

import "time"
import (

type PeerStatisticsGetter interface {
GetPeersStatistics() map[string]*PeerStatistics
215 changes: 157 additions & 58 deletions erigon-lib/diagnostics/network.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,60 +2,99 @@ package diagnostics

import (


func (d *DiagnosticClient) setupNetworkDiagnostics(rootCtx context.Context) {
type PeerStats struct {
peersInfo *sync.Map
recordsCount int
lastUpdateMap map[string]time.Time
limit int

func (d *DiagnosticClient) runCollectPeersStatistics(rootCtx context.Context) {
go func() {
ctx, ch, closeChannel := Context[PeerStatisticMsgUpdate](rootCtx, 1)
defer closeChannel()
func NewPeerStats(peerLimit int) *PeerStats {
return &PeerStats{
peersInfo: &sync.Map{},
recordsCount: 0,
lastUpdateMap: make(map[string]time.Time),
limit: peerLimit,

StartProviders(ctx, TypeOf(PeerStatisticMsgUpdate{}), log.Root())
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
case info := <-ch:
if value, ok := d.peersSyncMap.Load(info.PeerID); ok {
if stats, ok := value.(PeerStatistics); ok {
if info.Inbound {
stats.BytesIn += uint64(info.Bytes)
stats.CapBytesIn[info.MsgCap] += uint64(info.Bytes)
stats.TypeBytesIn[info.MsgType] += uint64(info.Bytes)
} else {
stats.BytesOut += uint64(info.Bytes)
stats.CapBytesOut[info.MsgCap] += uint64(info.Bytes)
stats.TypeBytesOut[info.MsgType] += uint64(info.Bytes)

d.peersSyncMap.Store(info.PeerID, stats)
} else {
log.Debug("Failed to cast value to PeerStatistics struct", value)
} else {
d.peersSyncMap.Store(info.PeerID, PeerStatistics{
PeerType: info.PeerType,
CapBytesIn: make(map[string]uint64),
CapBytesOut: make(map[string]uint64),
TypeBytesIn: make(map[string]uint64),
TypeBytesOut: make(map[string]uint64),
func (p *PeerStats) AddOrUpdatePeer(peerID string, peerInfo PeerStatisticMsgUpdate) {
if value, ok := p.peersInfo.Load(peerID); ok {
p.UpdatePeer(peerID, peerInfo, value)
} else {
p.AddPeer(peerID, peerInfo)
if p.GetPeersCount() > p.limit {

func (d *DiagnosticClient) Peers() map[string]*PeerStatistics {
stats := make(map[string]*PeerStatistics)
func (p *PeerStats) AddPeer(peerID string, peerInfo PeerStatisticMsgUpdate) {
pv := PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(peerInfo, nil)
p.peersInfo.Store(peerID, pv)
p.lastUpdateMap[peerID] = time.Now()

d.peersSyncMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
func (p *PeerStats) UpdatePeer(peerID string, peerInfo PeerStatisticMsgUpdate, prevValue any) {
pv := PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(peerInfo, prevValue)

p.peersInfo.Store(peerID, pv)
p.lastUpdateMap[peerID] = time.Now()

func PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(msg PeerStatisticMsgUpdate, prevValue any) PeerStatistics {
ps := PeerStatistics{
PeerType: msg.PeerType,
BytesIn: 0,
BytesOut: 0,
CapBytesIn: make(map[string]uint64),
CapBytesOut: make(map[string]uint64),
TypeBytesIn: make(map[string]uint64),
TypeBytesOut: make(map[string]uint64),

if stats, ok := prevValue.(PeerStatistics); ok {
if msg.Inbound {
ps.BytesIn = stats.BytesIn + uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.CapBytesIn[msg.MsgCap] = stats.CapBytesIn[msg.MsgCap] + uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.TypeBytesIn[msg.MsgType] = stats.TypeBytesIn[msg.MsgType] + uint64(msg.Bytes)
} else {
ps.BytesOut = stats.BytesOut + uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.CapBytesOut[msg.MsgCap] = stats.CapBytesOut[msg.MsgCap] + uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.TypeBytesOut[msg.MsgType] = stats.TypeBytesOut[msg.MsgType] + uint64(msg.Bytes)
} else {
if msg.Inbound {
ps.BytesIn += uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.CapBytesIn[msg.MsgCap] += uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.TypeBytesIn[msg.MsgType] += uint64(msg.Bytes)
} else {
ps.BytesOut += uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.CapBytesOut[msg.MsgCap] += uint64(msg.Bytes)
ps.TypeBytesOut[msg.MsgType] += uint64(msg.Bytes)


return ps

func (p *PeerStats) GetPeersCount() int {
return p.recordsCount

func (p *PeerStats) GetPeers() map[string]*PeerStatistics {
stats := make(map[string]*PeerStatistics)

p.peersInfo.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if loadedKey, ok := key.(string); ok {
if loadedValue, ok := value.(PeerStatistics); ok {
stats[loadedKey] = &loadedValue
@@ -69,26 +108,86 @@ func (d *DiagnosticClient) Peers() map[string]*PeerStatistics {
return true


return stats

func (d *DiagnosticClient) PeerDataResetStatistics() {
d.peersSyncMap.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
if stats, ok := value.(PeerStatistics); ok {
stats.BytesIn = 0
stats.BytesOut = 0
stats.CapBytesIn = make(map[string]uint64)
stats.CapBytesOut = make(map[string]uint64)
stats.TypeBytesIn = make(map[string]uint64)
stats.TypeBytesOut = make(map[string]uint64)

d.peersSyncMap.Store(key, stats)
} else {
log.Debug("Failed to cast value to PeerStatistics struct", value)
func (p *PeerStats) GetPeerStatistics(peerID string) PeerStatistics {
if value, ok := p.peersInfo.Load(peerID); ok {
if peerStats, ok := value.(PeerStatistics); ok {
return peerStats

return true
return PeerStatistics{}

func (p *PeerStats) GetLastUpdate(peerID string) time.Time {
if lastUpdate, ok := p.lastUpdateMap[peerID]; ok {
return lastUpdate

return time.Time{}

func (p *PeerStats) RemovePeer(peerID string) {
delete(p.lastUpdateMap, peerID)

type PeerUpdTime struct {
PeerID string
Time time.Time

func (p *PeerStats) GetOldestUpdatedPeersWithSize(size int) []PeerUpdTime {
timeArray := make([]PeerUpdTime, 0, p.GetPeersCount())
for k, v := range p.lastUpdateMap {
timeArray = append(timeArray, PeerUpdTime{k, v})

sort.Slice(timeArray, func(i, j int) bool {
return timeArray[i].Time.Before(timeArray[j].Time)

if len(timeArray) < size {
return timeArray
} else {
return timeArray[:size]

func (p *PeerStats) RemovePeersWhichExceedLimit(limit int) {
peersToRemove := p.GetPeersCount() - limit
if peersToRemove > 0 {
peers := p.GetOldestUpdatedPeersWithSize(peersToRemove)
for _, peer := range peers {

func (d *DiagnosticClient) setupNetworkDiagnostics(rootCtx context.Context) {

func (d *DiagnosticClient) runCollectPeersStatistics(rootCtx context.Context) {
go func() {
ctx, ch, closeChannel := Context[PeerStatisticMsgUpdate](rootCtx, 1)
defer closeChannel()

StartProviders(ctx, TypeOf(PeerStatisticMsgUpdate{}), log.Root())
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
case info := <-ch:
d.peersStats.AddOrUpdatePeer(info.PeerID, info)

func (d *DiagnosticClient) Peers() map[string]*PeerStatistics {
return d.peersStats.GetPeers()
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions erigon-lib/diagnostics/network_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
package diagnostics_test

import (


var mockInboundPeerStats = diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 10,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 10},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 10},
BytesOut: 0,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},

var mockOutboundPeerStats = diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 0,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{},
BytesOut: 10,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 10},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 10},

var mockInboundUpdMsg = diagnostics.PeerStatisticMsgUpdate{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
PeerID: "test1",
Inbound: true,
MsgType: "msgType1",
MsgCap: "msgCap1",
Bytes: 10,

var mockOutboundUpdMsg = diagnostics.PeerStatisticMsgUpdate{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
PeerID: "test1",
Inbound: false,
MsgType: "msgType1",
MsgCap: "msgCap1",
Bytes: 10,

func TestPeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(t *testing.T) {
//test handing inbound message
inboundPeerStats := diagnostics.PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(mockInboundUpdMsg, nil)
require.Equal(t, mockInboundPeerStats, inboundPeerStats)

inboundPeerStats = diagnostics.PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(mockInboundUpdMsg, inboundPeerStats)

require.Equal(t, diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 20,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 20},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 20},
BytesOut: 0,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
}, inboundPeerStats)

//test handing outbound message
outboundPeerStats := diagnostics.PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(mockOutboundUpdMsg, nil)
require.Equal(t, mockOutboundPeerStats, outboundPeerStats)

outboundPeerStats = diagnostics.PeerStatisticsFromMsgUpdate(mockOutboundUpdMsg, outboundPeerStats)

require.Equal(t, diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 0,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{},
BytesOut: 20,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 20},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 20},
}, outboundPeerStats)


func TestAddPeer(t *testing.T) {
var peerStats = diagnostics.NewPeerStats(100)

peerStats.AddPeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
require.Equal(t, 1, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

require.Equal(t, mockInboundPeerStats, peerStats.GetPeerStatistics("test1"))

func TestUpdatePeer(t *testing.T) {
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(1000)

peerStats.AddPeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
peerStats.UpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg, mockInboundPeerStats)
require.Equal(t, 1, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

require.Equal(t, diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 20,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 20},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 20},
BytesOut: 0,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
}, peerStats.GetPeerStatistics("test1"))

func TestAddOrUpdatePeer(t *testing.T) {
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(100)

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
require.Equal(t, 1, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

require.Equal(t, mockInboundPeerStats, peerStats.GetPeerStatistics("test1"))

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
require.Equal(t, 1, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

require.Equal(t, diagnostics.PeerStatistics{
PeerType: "Sentinel",
BytesIn: 20,
CapBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgCap1": 20},
TypeBytesIn: map[string]uint64{"msgType1": 20},
BytesOut: 0,
CapBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
TypeBytesOut: map[string]uint64{},
}, peerStats.GetPeerStatistics("test1"))

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test2", mockInboundUpdMsg)
require.Equal(t, 2, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

func TestGetPeers(t *testing.T) {
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(10)

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test2", mockInboundUpdMsg)
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test3", mockInboundUpdMsg)

peers := peerStats.GetPeers()
require.Equal(t, 3, len(peers))
require.Equal(t, &mockInboundPeerStats, peers["test1"])

func TestLastUpdated(t *testing.T) {
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(1000)

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
require.NotEmpty(t, peerStats.GetLastUpdate("test1"))

for i := 1; i < 20; i++ {
pid := "test" + strconv.Itoa(i)
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer(pid, mockInboundUpdMsg)
//wait for 1 milisecond to make sure that the last update time is different
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

require.True(t, peerStats.GetLastUpdate("test2").After(peerStats.GetLastUpdate("test1")))

oldestPeers := peerStats.GetOldestUpdatedPeersWithSize(10)

// we have 100 peers, but we should get only 10 oldest
require.Equal(t, len(oldestPeers), 10)
// the oldest peer should be test1
require.Equal(t, "test1", oldestPeers[0].PeerID)

// update test1 to
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test1", mockInboundUpdMsg)
oldestPeers = peerStats.GetOldestUpdatedPeersWithSize(10)

// the oldest peer should not be test1
require.NotEqual(t, "test1", oldestPeers[0].PeerID)

func TestRemovePeersWhichExceedLimit(t *testing.T) {
limit := 100
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(limit)

for i := 1; i < 105; i++ {
pid := "test" + strconv.Itoa(i)
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer(pid, mockInboundUpdMsg)


require.Equal(t, limit, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

limit = 1000

require.Equal(t, 100, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

func TestAddingPeersAboveTheLimit(t *testing.T) {
limit := 100
peerStats := diagnostics.NewPeerStats(limit)

for i := 1; i < 105; i++ {
pid := "test" + strconv.Itoa(i)
peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer(pid, mockInboundUpdMsg)

require.Equal(t, limit, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

peerStats.AddOrUpdatePeer("test105", mockInboundUpdMsg)

require.Equal(t, limit, peerStats.GetPeersCount())

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