- Contains information such as Title, ID, Release Date, Genres, and more
"movie": {
"id": "tt-123141",
"title": "My Life",
"releaseDate": "Aug 00010",
"runTime": 180,
"genres": [
- Request specific movie with id
- Will return Movie object if found
"id": "movie-id-123124"
- Movie object with the id
- Request for movie search
- Can be Title, Year, Genre, Latest, Upcoming, etc.
- Input is just URL path
"path": "movies/search/title/Avengers"
"movie": [
"id": "movie-id-123124",
"title": "The Avengers",
"releaseDate": "124141245",
"runtime": 160
"id": "movie-id-5678",
"title": "Avengers: Endgame",
"releaseDate": "Aug 131",
"runTime": 100
TODO: Add actual response example
FrontEnd will handle form submission and change URL according to type of search, examples:
Search by Title: /movies/search/title/Avengers
Search by Genre: /movies/search/genre/horror
Search by Year: /movies/search/year/2019
Search by Latest: /movies/search/latest
Get Movie by Id: /movies/movieid12345
- Should handle calling API for movies even if results appear
- Should also periodically use API to get new movies
- Also update existing movie info if it is incomplete due to not being able to receive all the info
- Should have a minimum percentage of missing info to avoid random movies from being displayed
- Can use more APIs or WebScraping for more movie data
Should be much more organized and easier to read/build upon than old website
Separation of Back-End and Front-End already makes requests much easier to execute and Java makes managing movie data much nicer
- Implementing basic Get/Search functions and SQL functions
- Converting old String Dates to SQL Dates
- Need to begin using pooling for database connection