This is a plugin to Boomerang from The Exceptional Performance team at Yahoo!. The plugin allows you to monitor your Boomerang measures via VelvetMetrics. It does not affect the default beaconing built into Boomerang, so you can choose to just send a subset of the data to velvetmetrics and still send the whole thing to wherever you like.
(track page roundtrip times):
<script src="boomerang.js"></script> <!-- download from: -->
<script src="vm_boomr.js"></script>
user_ip: "", //This should be set properly
BW : { enabled : false },
VM : { trackers : [{ path : '', val : "t_done"}] }
Configuration of the VM plugin takes place under the 'VM' subobject of the Boomerang configuration . It has one required property
###trackers [required]###
array of objects
Each tracker in the array consists of
[required] and -
string | function (o , custom_vars)
[required]The typical usage here is to access a (default or custom) parameter directly by its name, using the string argument
There is also an option to provide a function, possibly calculating som relation between different parameters, with the arguments : 'o' is the object where all standard Boomerang beacon parameters are stored. See: . 'custom_vars' contains any custom vars/timers added, and located in the 't_other' parameter
###baseUrl [optional]###
defaults to "". Could be overridden for https or for using some test environment maybe.
See examples folder for working examples.