Switch Kontext is a simple utility to quickly move between Kubernetes contexts and namespaces.
Requires Go
go install github.com/erikkinding/sk@v0.3.8
Make sure your Go bin directory is part of your path, or create an alias for sk
sk -h
-F string
Store current context and namespace as favorite
-N Only select namespace from the ones available for the selected context
-c Print the currently selected context and namespace
-f string
Select a favorite context
-l List all stored favorites
-n Select namespace from the ones available for the selected context
-p Use to switch to the previously used context and namespace. Has no effect if state can't be retrieved.
Primarily, sk looks at $KUBECONFIG to decide which configuration to use and alter. If not set, it defaults to ~/.kube/config.
alias skp="sk -p" # Previously selected context and namespace
alias skn="sk -n" # Also prompt for namespace selection
alias skN="sk -N" # Only prompt for namespace selection
alias skc="sk -c" # Print the currently selected context and namespace
alias skf="sk -f" # Jump to favorite