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Aurelia plugin to use the interact.js library.

Inspired by a blog post from Matthew James Davis Drag-and-drop in Aurelia.



Install the package:

jspm i aurelia-interactjs

Add the following line to src/main.js or src/main.ts:

export function configure(aurelia) {
+    .plugin("aurelia-interactjs");


Install the package:

npm i aurelia-interactjs --save

And perform the following command to add the configuration for aurelia-interactjs to the aurelia.json config:

au interact

Add the following line to src/main.js or src/main.ts:

export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
+    .plugin('aurelia-interactjs');

  if (environment.debug) {

Generic attributes

Each attribute can be supplied with custom options that will be pased to interactjs, and are split into 2 types. These are Interactable options and Action options.

See the interactjs documentation for the Action options.

Interactable options are described in the code. See the default values here.

Prior to v2.0.7 only, action options were supported by the wrapper, for example:


Action options only (pre and post 2.0.7)

<div interact-draggable.bind="actionOptions" />
let actionOptions = {
  overlap: 0.1

Action and Intreactable options usage:

In v2.0.7 and above both types are supported, for example:

<div interact-draggable.bind="options" />
let options = {
  action: { overlap: 0.1 }, 
  interactable: { preventDefault: 'never' }

NOTE: If you use more than one custom attribute on a HTML element (e.g. draggable and dropzone on the same DIV) you should duplicate the interactable options on both as the fist one that is evaluated creates the interactable which is subsequently cached.

Each event can be used in the following way:

<div interact-draggable interact-dragmove.delegate="func($event)" />
export class Home {
  public func(customEvent: CustomEvent) {
    let event = customEvent.detail;
    console.log("event", event);


The following attributes can be set to catch events

Attribute Interact.js event
interact-dragstart dragstart
interact-dragmove dragmove
interact-draginertiastart draginertiastart
interact-dragend dragend


Attribute Interact.js event
interact-dropactivate dropactivate
interact-dragenter dragenter
interact-dragleave dragleave
interact-drop drop
interact-dropdeactivate dropdeactivate


Attribute Interact.js event
interact-gesturestart gesturestart
interact-gesturemove gesturemove
interact-gestureend gestureend


Attribute Interact.js event
interact-resizestart resizestart
interact-resizemove resizemove
interact-resizeinertiastart resizeinertiastart
interact-resizeend resizeend

Custom attributes draggable and dropzone

By default the attributes draggable and dropzone are not loaded (because the use global names).

You can load them by providing the option enableDragDropAttributes in src\main.js or src\main.ts :

export function configure(aurelia) {
+    .plugin("aurelia-interactjs", { enableDragDropAttributes: true });
<div draggable.bind="item" style="width: 25px; height: 25px; background-color:${color}; border: 5px solid yellow">drag me</div>

<div dropzone drop.trigger="itemDropped($event.detail, 'green')" style="width:300px; height: 300px; background-color: green"></div>
<div dropzone drop.trigger="itemDropped($event.detail, 'red')" style="width:300px; height: 300px; background-color: red"></div>
export class App {
  item = { name: "some", color: "yellow"};

  updateColor(item, color) {
    item.color = color;


By default it will add the following css classes to the element in the following states:


class state
getting--dragged draggable is getting dragged
drop--me draggable entered a dropzone and can be dropped here


class state
can--drop draggable target can be dropped in the dropzone
can-catch draggable entered this zone and can be dropped here
caught--it draggable element is dropped in this zone