This repository contains sample code and eagle/gerber/STL files for the Doorbell Modernizr I sell on tindie:
The Doorbell Modernizr is a device that can transform your ordinary doorbell (running on 8 - 24v ac) into a "smart" wifi doorbell. Whenever someone presses your doorbell, the Doorbell Modernizr can send a signal to your home automation system (currently supported: Home assistant, Domoticz and Openhab).
If you want to program the device yourself (for example with the Arduino IDE),provide it with power, plug in a ftdi module and set the dipswitch on the pcb to on.
I use the folowing settings for programming:
- Board: Generic EP8266 module
- Flash mode: QIO
- Flash size: 512K (64K SPIFFS)
- Debugging port: Disabled
- Debug level: None
- IwIP variant: V2 lower memory
- reset method: ck
- crystal frequency: 26Mhz
- Flash frequency: 40Mhz
- CPU frequency: 80Mhz
- Builtin led: 2
- Upload speed: 115200
- Erase flash: Only sketch
If you are going to build it yourself, you will need the folowing parts:
- 1x ESP12f module (sample)
- 4x 10k resitor, smd size 1206 (sample)
- 1x 10k resitor, thru hole (sample)
- 1x 330r resitor, smd size 1206 (sample)
- 1x 1p dip switch (sample)
- 2x tactile switch (sample)
- 1x 470uf capacitor (sample)
- 1x 100nf capacitor, SMD size 1206 (sample)
- 1x 2pin screw terminal (sample)
- 1x 6pin female header (sample)
- 1x HT7333 LDO (sample)
- 1x 1N4148 diode, smd size 1206 (sample)
- 1x PC817 Optocoupler (sample)
- 1x 5.5 x 2.1 mm Female DC Power Jack Plug Socket sample
- 1x 5v power supply sample
- 1x MB6S bridge rectifier sample