Scalatra is a tiny, Sinatra-like web framework for Scala.
import org.scalatra._
class ScalatraExample extends ScalatraServlet {
get("/") {
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Git-clone the prototype. Alternatively, download and extract a tarball or zip.
$ git clone git:// my-app
Change directory into your clone.
$ cd my-app
Launch SBT.
$ sbt
Fetch the dependencies.
> update
Start Jetty, enabling continuous compilation and reloading.
> jetty-run > ~prepare-webapp
Browse to http://localhost:8080/.
Start hacking on
Note: if you keep getting frequent OutOfMemory errors from sbt
you can try changing its script as described in this document so that it executes this command line:
java -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512M -Xss2M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"
Note 2: if you already have a checkout, and after a git pull
the build fails, try to explicitly run the update
and clean
sbt tasks before running compile
See the simple-scalatra-archetype.
The scalatra-user mailing list is open to anybody. It is the best place to ask questions, so everybody can see the answer.
For those topics that are easier to discuss in real time, or just to hang out with some fun people, join us on the #scalatra channel on
In Scalatra, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL matching pattern.
get("/") {
// show something
post("/") {
// submit/create something
put("/") {
// update something
delete("/") {
// delete something
The first matching route is invoked. Routes are matched from the bottom up. This is the opposite of Sinatra. Route definitions are executed as part of a Scala constructor; by matching from the bottom up, routes can be overridden in child classes.
Path patterns add parameters to the params
map. Repeated values are accessible through the multiParams
Route patterns may include named parameters:
get("/hello/:name") {
// Matches "GET /hello/foo" and "GET /hello/bar"
// params("name") is "foo" or "bar"
<p>Hello, {params("name")}</p>
Route patterns may also include wildcard parameters, accessible through the splat
get("/say/*/to/*) {
// Matches "GET /say/hello/to/world"
multiParams("splat") # == Seq("hello", "world")
get("/download/*.*) {
// Matches "GET /download/path/to/file.xml"
multiParams("splat") # == Seq("path/to/file", "xml")
The route matcher may also be a regular expression. Capture groups are accessible through the captures
get("""^\/f(.*)/b(.*)""".r) {
// Matches "GET /foo/bar"
multiParams("captures") # == Seq("oo", "ar")
If you want to experiment with path patterns, it's very easy in the REPL.
scala> import org.scalatra.pattern._
import org.scalatra.pattern._
scala> val pattern = PathPatternParser.parseFrom("/foo/:bar")
pattern: PathPattern = PathPattern(^/foo/([^/?]+)$,List(bar))
scala> pattern("/y/x") // doesn't match
res1: Option[MultiParams] = None
scala> pattern("/foo/x") // matches
res2: Option[MultiParams] = Some(Map(bar -> ListBuffer(x)))
Obligatory scolding: the REPL is not a substitute for proper unit tests!
By default, route patterns parsing is based on Sinatra. Rails has a similar, but not identical, syntax, based on Rack::Mount's Strexp. The path pattern parser is resolved implicitly, and may be overridden if you prefer an alternate syntax:
class RailsLikeRouting extends ScalatraFilter {
implicit override val string2RouteMatcher(path: String) =
get("/:file(.:ext)") { // matched Rails-style }
Routes may include conditions. A condition is any expression that returns Boolean. Conditions are evaluated by-name each time the route matcher runs.
get("/foo") {
// Matches "GET /foo"
get("/foo", request.getRemoteHost == "") {
// Overrides "GET /foo" for local users
Multiple conditions can be chained together. A route must match all conditions:
get("/foo", request.getRemoteHost == "", request.getRemoteUser == "admin") {
// Only matches if you're the admin, and you're localhost
No path pattern is necessary. A route may consist of solely a condition:
get(isMaintenanceMode) {
<h1>Go away!</h1>
Each route is followed by an action. An Action may return any value, which is then rendered to the response according to the following rules:
- `Array[Byte]`
- If no content-type is set, it is set to `application/octet-stream`. The byte array is written to the response's output stream.
- `NodeSeq`
- If no content-type is set, it is set to`text/html`. The node sequence is converted to a string and written to the response's writer.
- `Unit`
- This signifies that the action has rendered the entire response, and no further action is taken.
- Any
- For any other value, if the content type is not set, it is set to `text/plain`. The value is converted to a string and written to the response's writer .
This behavior may be customized for these or other return types by overriding renderResponse
Before filters are evaluated before each request within the same context as the routes.
before {
// Default all responses to text/html
contentType = "text/html"
After filters are evaluated after each request, but before the action result is rendered, within the same context as the routes.
after {
if (response.status >= 500)
println("OMG! ONOZ!")
To immediately stop a request within a filter or route:
You can also specify the status:
Or the body:
halt("This will be the body")
Or both:
halt(401, "Go away!")
A route can punt processing to the next matching route using pass. Remember, unlike Sinatra, routes are matched from the bottom up.
get("/guess/*") {
"You missed!"
get("/guess/:who") {
params("who") match {
case "Frank" => pass()
case _ => "You got me!"
The route block is immediately exited and control continues with the next matching route. If no matching route is found, a 404 is returned.
The request is available through the request
variable. The request is implicitly extended with the following methods:
: to get the request body as a stringisAjax
: to detect AJAX requestscookies
: a Map view of the request's cookies- Implements
backed by request attributes
The response is available through the response
The session is available through the session
variable. The session implicitly implements scala.collection.mutable.Map
backed by session attributes. To avoid creating a session, it may be accessed through sessionOption
The servlet context is available through the servletContext
variable. The servlet context implicitly implements scala.collection.mutable.Map
backed by servlet context attributes.
The environment is defined by:
- The
system property. - The
init property. - A default of
If the environment starts with "dev", then isDevelopmentMode
returns true. This flag may be used by other modules, for example, to enable the Scalate console.
Error handlers run within the same context as routes and before filters.
Whenever no route matches, the notFound
handler is invoked:
notFound {
<h1>Not found. Bummer.</h1>
The error
handler is invoked any time an exception is raised from a route block or a filter. The throwable can be obtained from the caughtThrowable
instance variable. This variable is not defined outside the error
error {
Flash scope is available by mixing in FlashMapSupport
, which provides a mutable map named flash
. Values put into flash scope during the current request are stored in the session through the next request and then discarded. This is particularly useful for messages when using the Post/Redirect/Get pattern.
Scalatra provides optional support for Scalate, a Scala template engine.
Depend on scalatra-scalate.jar and a slf4j binding. In your SBT build:
val scalatraScalate = "org.scalatra" %% "scalatra-scalate" % scalatraVersion val slf4jBinding = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "0.9.25" % runtime
Extend your application with
import org.scalatra._ import org.scalatra.scalate._ class MyApplication extends ScalatraServlet with ScalateSupport { // .... }
A template engine is created as the
variable. This can be used to render templates and call layouts.get("/") { templateEngine.layout("index.scaml", "content" -> "yada yada yada") }
Additionally, createRenderContext
may be used to create a render context for the current request and response.
Finally, the Scalate Console is enabled in development mode to display any unhandled exceptions.
Scalatra provides optional support for file uploads with Commons FileUpload.
Depend on scalatra-fileupload.jar. In your SBT build:
val scalatraFileUpload = "org.scalatra" %% "scalatra-fileupload" % scalatraVersion
Extend your application with
import org.scalatra.ScalatraServlet import org.scalatra.fileupload.FileUploadSupport class MyApp extends ScalatraServlet with FileUploadSupport { // ... }
Be sure that your form is of type
:get("/") { <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="foo" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> }
Your files are available through the
maps:post("/") { processFile(fileParams("file")) }
Scalatra provides optional support for websockets and comet through We depend on the socketio-java project to provide this support.
Depend on the scalatra-socketio.jar. In your SBT build:
val scalatraSocketIO = "org.scalatra" %% "scalatra-socketio" % scalatraVersion
SocketIO mimics a socket connection so it's easiest if you just create a socketio servlet at /*
import org.scalatra.ScalatraServlet import org.scalatra.socketio.SocketIOSupport class MySocketIOServlet extends ScalatraServlet with SocketIOSupport { // ... }
Setup the callbacks
socketio { socket => socket.onConnect { connection => // Do stuff on connection } socket.onMessage { (connection, frameType, message) => // Receive a message // use `connection.send("string")` to send a message // use `connection.broadcast("to send")` to send a message to all connected clients except the current one // use `connection.disconnect` to disconnect the client. } socket.onDisconnect { (connection, reason, message) => // Do stuff on disconnection } }
Add the necessary entries to web.xml
<servlet> <servlet-name>SocketIOServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.example.SocketIOServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>flashPolicyServerHost</param-name> <param-value>localhost</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>flashPolicyServerPort</param-name> <param-value>843</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>flashPolicyDomain</param-name> <param-value>localhost</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>flashPolicyPorts</param-name> <param-value>8080</param-value> </init-param>
When you want to use websockets with jetty the sbt build tool gets in the way and that makes it look like the websocket stuff isn't working. If you deploy the war to a jetty distribution everything should work as expected.
Scalatra includes a test framework for writing the unit tests for your Scalatra application. The framework lets you send requests to your app and examine the response. It can be mixed into the test framework of your choosing; integration with ScalaTest and Specs is already provided. ScalatraTests supports HTTP GET/POST tests with or without request parameters and sessions. For more examples, please refer to core/src/test/scala.
- scalatra-scalatest
Mix in ShouldMatchers or MustMatchers to your taste...
class MyScalatraServletTests extends ScalatraFunSuite with ShouldMatchers {
// `MyScalatraServlet` is your app which extends ScalatraServlet
addServlet(classOf[MyScalatraServlet], "/*")
test("simple get") {
get("/path/to/something") {
status should equal (200)
body should include ("hi!")
- scalatra-specs
object MyScalatraServletTests extends ScalatraSpecification {
addServlet(classOf[MyScalatraServlet], "/*")
"MyScalatraServlet when using GET" should {
"/path/to/something should return 'hi!'" in {
get("/") {
status mustEqual(200)
body mustEqual("hi!")
- scalatra-test
Create an instance of org.scalatra.test.ScalatraTests. Be sure to call start()
and stop()
before and after your test suite.
To make usage of Scalatra as a dependency convenient, Maven hosting is now available courtesy of Sonatype.
There is a new authentication middleware in the auth directory, to be documented soon. See an example at usage example. Another example for basic authentication can be found
To use it from an SBT project, add the following to your project:
val auth = "org.scalatra" %% "scalatra-auth" % scalatraVersion
It is use in the backend for LinkedIn Signal.
ChaCha is using it in multiple internal applications.
A project is in currently development to support a site with over one million unique users.
Are you using Scalatra in production? Tell us your story on the mailing list.
The main difference is the default behavior when a route is not found. A filter will delegate to the next filter or servlet in the chain (as configured by web.xml), whereas a ScalatraServlet will return a 404 response.
Another difference is that ScalatraFilter matches routes relative to the WAR's context path. ScalatraServlet matches routes relative to the servlet path. This allows you to mount multiple servlets under in different namespaces in the same WAR.
- You are migrating a legacy application inside the same URL space
- You want to serve static content from the WAR rather than a dedicated web server
- You want to match routes with a prefix deeper than the context path.
Should be compatible. If it broke, please share your tale of woe on the mailing list.
- Session has been retrofitted to a Map interface.
now returns an option instead of the value. - ScalaTest support has been split off into
module. ScalatraSuite moved toorg.scalatest.test.scalatest
package, and no longer extends FunSuite in order to permit mixing in a BDD trait. You may either use ScalatraFunSuite or explicitly extend FunSuite yourself.
Scalatra was renamed from Step to Scalatra to avoid a naming conflict with (an unrelated web framework)[]. scalatra-1.2.1 is identical to step-1.2.0 with the following exceptions:
- The package has changed from
. - The
class has been renamed toScalatraServlet
. - All other
classes have been renamed toScalatra*