Refuel is a maven project written in Java 8.
When the program starts, click the "Choose Data File" button in the "Data Entry" tab. Select a .txt file containing proper refuel information. If successful, you should see the "File selected" message. Click on the "Refuel Report" tab to see the refuel report. The color coding is as follows;
Maximum value(s) - red Minimum value(s) - green All other values - yellow
Selecting a fuel type from the "Fuel Type" combobox will refresh the chart according to the selected fuel type.
After uploading a .txt file, the program listens to the changes in that file. If you change the contents of the file and save, the bar chart will refresh with new values accordingly.
The format of the data in the file that is being uploaded to the system is as follows;
fuelName - a string
fuel fuelPrice - can be with . or , (1.345; 1,345)
fuel fuelAmount - can be with . or , (50.53; 50,53)
refuellingDate - format is
Sample Data;
It is assumed that the uploaded file (input .txt file) does not contain the byte order mark that some UTF files might have.
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