I am Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I'm a RESTful web platform that allows you to manage your students and campuses. I use sequelize, express, bootstrap, react, and redux.
I'm at https://hogwarts-school-of-witchcraft.herokuapp.com/
- have profile info (e.g. name and email)
- must be assigned to a campus
- have info such as a name and image
- can have many students assigned (may have none)
Navigation: as a user I...
- will land on Home by default
- can navigate to Campuses from Home
- can navigate to Students from Home
- can navigate to view a Single Campus from Campuses
- can navigate to view a Single Student from Students
- can navigate to view a Single Student from Single Campus (for any student at that campus)
- can navigate to view that student's Single Campus from Single Student
Views: as a user I...
- see a list of all campuses on the Campuses view
- see a list of all students on the Students view
- see details about a campus on the Single Campus view, including that campus's students
- see details about a student on the Single Student view, including that student's campus
Actions: as a user I...
- can create a campus
- can edit a campus's info, including adding/removing a student to/from that campus
- can delete a campus
- can create a student
- can edit a student's info, including the campus that student is assigned to
- can delete a student