Created by Erlik Nowruzi, Robert Lageniere, and Nathalie Japkowicz.
author = {Erlik Nowruzi, Farzan and Laganiere, Robert and Japkowicz, Nathalie},
title = {Homography Estimation From Image Pairs With Hierarchical Convolutional Networks},
booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017}}
To run the code please follow the following steps:
- Clone the repository and enter the project root
- Download the MSCOCO Data set and place it at "../Data/MSCOCO"
- Process dataset by executing "python3" to train/test tfrecords
- Run the training by executing "python3" - will produce log folders at "../Data/logs/"
- Run the tests by executing "python3"
- Running the "python3" will produce the tfrecords of trained model to be used for the next CNN in the chain.