This is a Python client for the Ermeo Data API. The sdk-ermeo is a wrapper to simplify access to ressources requests and JSON response parsing from the API Ermeo. This package evolving with the API.
We recommend you install this module using pip:
pip install sdk-ermeo
In order to access the API, you'll need to get a service key from Ermeo. Contact the client service.
Once you have it you can use the API key to initiate the ErmeoAPI class.
api = ErmeoV1(client_id='your_client_id', client_secret='your_client_secret', username='your_username', password='your_password').auth.get_tokens()
Then you can override some params for testing purpose :
- api_ermeo_url = 'sandbox_url_for_example'
Only latest version of Ermeo are tested. You should upgrade the SDK with each new versions.
You must have environment variable or a file .env placed on root of this project with the following variable:
Then launch tox.
For testing something precisly you can do :
pytest -k "test_login"
This will test only the function "test_login"