This project contains exercises for the Serenity Dojo BDD with Serenity and Cucumber course.
There is a tag for the sample code for each lesson. To
git clone
cd caffeinate-me
Open a command window and run:
mvn clean verify
This runs Cucumber features using Cucumber's JUnit runner. The @RunWith(CucumberWithSerenity.class)
annotation on the CucumberTestSuite
class tells JUnit to kick off Cucumber.
Open a command window and run:
gradlew test aggregate
This runs Cucumber features using Cucumber's JUnit runner. The @RunWith(CucumberWithSerenity.class)
annotation on the CucumberTestSuite
class tells JUnit to kick off Cucumber.
Both of the commands provided above will produce a Serenity test report in the target/site/serenity
directory. Go take a look!