npm i request-prop --save
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Assuming that you have node
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var requestProp = require('request-prop');
const exampleComplexArrayFromSomeNetworkRequest = [
{ Id: '4466t-5564edd-444yyhh88-55ffcjkhh', Name: 'Michael Jackson (the coder one)', Age: 26, FavLang: 'JavaScript' },
{ Id: '4466t-5564edd-444yyhh88-77rr212ss', Name: 'Harry Potter', Age: 15, FavLang: 'Java' },
{ Id: '4466t-5564edd-444yyhh88-bbxbmmcee', Name: 'Marry Poppins', Age: 46, FavLang: 'Python' },
{ Id: '4466t-5564edd-444yyhh88-596ss2q35', Name: 'John Doe', Age: 24, FavLang: 'Rust' },
const newArrayWithDesiredProps = requestProp(
exampleComplexArrayFromSomeNetworkRequest, // The raw array to extract data from
['Id', 'FavLang']
// Returns [{Id: '.....', FavLang: '....'}, {...}, {...}, {...}]
const newArrayRenamedProps = requestProp(
// The left side of the colon has to match the original name
['Id:id', 'FavLang:favLang'] // I'm a camel case lover
// Returns [{id: '.....', favLang: '.....'}, {...}, {...}, {...}]
const extractDataOutOfObject = requestProp(
{ Id: '...', Name: '....' },
['Id: myId', 'Name: myName']
const modifiedProps = requestProp(
// To use it in modifiers, it has to exist in the requested props first.
// Has to match the original prop name not the modified name
props: ['Age'],
computedName: 'age', // It will override the prop name in the object
operator: age => age + 10
// Return [{age: 36}, {...}, {...}, {...}];
const person = {
day: '11',
month: '06',
year: '1996'
['day: DAY', 'month: MONTH', 'year: YEAR'],
props: ['day', 'month', 'year'], // These prop names need to match requestedProps
computedName: 'birthday',
operator: (d, m, y) => `${d}/${m}/${y}`
) // Returns -> { DAY: '11', MONTH: '06', birthday: '11/06/1996', YEAR: '1996' }
const obj = {
name: 'Jane',
favLang: 'JavaScript',
const retrunValue = requestProp(
props: ['favLang'],
computedName: 'getFavLang',
operator: f => () => `My fav lang is ${f}`
// Calling it returnValue.getFavLang() => 'My fav lang is JavaScript'
You may want to use props, but not include them in the returned object
in such case prepend props with !
const person = {
name: 'Jane',
lastname: 'Doe',
age: 26
// Appending `!` will exclude them from the returned object
['!name', '!lastname'],
props: ['name', 'lastname'],
computedName: 'fullname',
operator: (name, lastname) => `${name} ${lastname}`
// { fullname: 'Jane Doe' } // Doesn't include name and lastname props
// Due to exclamation mark
// The default is `:` but you are able to change
// by simply providing a character as last character
const customRenameIndicator = requestProp(
{Name: 'Jane', Lastname: 'Doe'},
['Name@name', 'Lastname@lastname'],
[], // Empty modifications array, to get the last foruth optional
'@' // Providing the custom rename indication character