This repo is for a number of hackintosh systems with pre-configured EFI folders and files that will get you up and running macOS on your PC system.
Master branch will be used to host files that you can use to help you get up and running faster.
Feel free to contribute to this repo and make it more accurate and successful for other hackintoshers please create a account and do so.
Please add a README file to your system folder after adding your EFI folder and use it to explain information on your files and configuration. You can use this markdown syntax guide to make your README. Markdown Cheatsheet. Use the Asus Z9PE-D8 WS Folder as an example of folder structure.
Use the Wiki for what version of macOS you are building your USB Installer on.
Supported macOS (OS X) Versions:
Disclaimer Using the latest FakeSMC.kext can cause older versions of macOS (OS X) to not boot, always test the latest files on a bootable USB before updating your current working solution!