Rethinking CNN-Based Pansharpening: Guided Colorization of Panchromatic Images via GANs.
If you find our work beneficial, consider citing the following paper:
F. Ozcelik, U. Alganci, E. Sertel and G. Unal, "Rethinking CNN-Based Pansharpening: Guided Colorization of Panchromatic Images via GANs," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3010441
GAN training parts of the code are adapted from mrzhu-cool/pix2pix-pytorch Github Link
Metrics codes are adapted from different image quality assesment repos such as sewar
Pretrained Weights for PanColorGAN+RD can be found in the Link
Google Colab Notebook for Pansharpening Demo Colab