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Make Eloquent models translatable

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This package allows you to make eloquent models translatable by using separate columns for each language, e.g. title_nl and title_en. This package is heavily inspired by Spatie's spatie/laravel-translatable.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require esign/laravel-underscore-translatable


Preparing your model

To make your model translatable you need to use the Esign\UnderscoreTranslatable\UnderscoreTranslatable trait on the model. Next up, you should define which fields are translatable by adding a public $translatable property.

use Esign\UnderscoreTranslatable\UnderscoreTranslatable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use UnderscoreTranslatable;

    public $translatable = ['title'];

Your database structure should look like the following:

Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

Retrieving translations

To retrieve a translation in the current locale you may use the attribute you have defined in the translatable property. Or you could use the getTranslation method:


To retrieve a translation in a specific locale you may use the fully suffixed attribute or pass the locale to the getTranslation method:

$post->getTranslation('title', 'nl')

To check if a translation exists, you may use the hasTranslation method:

$post->title_en = 'Your first translation';
$post->title_nl = '';
$post->title_fr = null;

$post->hasTranslation('title', 'en'); // returns true
$post->hasTranslation('title', 'nl'); // returns false
$post->hasTranslation('title', 'fr'); // returns false

In case you do not supply a locale, the current locale will be used.

Using a fallback

This package allows you to return the value of an attribute's fallback_locale defined in the config/app.php of your application.

The third useFallbackLocale parameter of the getTranslation method may be used to control this behaviour:

$post->title_en = 'Your first translation';
$post->title_nl = null;
$post->getTranslation('title', 'nl', true); // returns 'Your first translation'
$post->getTranslation('title', 'nl', false); // returns null

Or you may use dedicated methods for this:

$post->title_en = 'Your first translation';
$post->title_nl = null;
$post->getTranslationWithFallback('title', 'nl'); // returns 'Your first translation'
$post->getTranslationWithoutFallback('title', 'nl'); // returns null

Setting translations

To set the translation for the current locale you may use the attribute you have defined in the translatable property. Or you could pass it immediately when creating a model:

$post->title = 'Your first translation';

    'title' => 'Your first translation',

You may also use the setTranslation method:

$post->setTranslation('title', 'en', 'Your first translation');
$post->setTranslation('title', 'nl', 'Jouw eerste vertaling');

You could also set multiple translations at once using the setTranslations method or immediately passing them along when creating a model:

$post->setTranslations('title', [
    'en' => 'Your first translation',
    'nl' => 'Jouw eerste vertaling',

    'title' => [
        'en' => 'Your first translation',
        'nl' => 'Jouw eerste vertaling',

This package does not persist translations to the database, so don't forget to save your model:

$post->setTranslation('title', 'en', 'Your first translation');

Defining accessors and mutators

You're able to define accessors just like you're used to in Laravel:

public function getTitleAttribute($value): string
    return ucfirst($value);

The same goes for mutators:

public function setTitleAttribute($value, $locale): void
    $this->attributes['title_' . $locale] = strtolower($value);


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A laravel package to make your eloquent models translatable.







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