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Replace legacy reporter tests with exometer_report_SUITE
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- Test more options including prefixes
- Check both global and host-type metrics
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chrzaszcz committed Jul 23, 2024
1 parent c08edd3 commit 6176728
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Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 87 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions test/exometer_report_SUITE.erl
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@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@


-compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]).

-define(LABELS, #{host_type => <<"localhost">>}).
-define(HOST_TYPE, <<"localhost">>).

all() ->
[{group, no_prefix},
{group, prefix},
{group, env_prefix},
{group, all_metrics_are_global}].

groups() ->
[{no_prefix, [parallel], metrics_tests()},
{prefix, [parallel], metrics_tests()},
{env_prefix, [parallel], metrics_tests()},
{all_metrics_are_global, [parallel], metrics_tests()}].

metrics_tests() ->

init_per_suite(Config) ->
{ok, _Apps} = application:ensure_all_started(exometer_core),

end_per_suite(Config) ->

init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
Config1 = [{host_type_prefix, host_type_prefix(Group)},
{extra_opts, extra_opts(Group)} | Config],
mongoose_config:set_opts(opts(Group, Config1)),
async_helper:start(Config1, mongoose_instrument, start_link, []).

end_per_group(_Group, Config) ->

init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config) ->
[{event, join_atoms(TestCase, event)} | Config].

host_type_prefix(all_metrics_are_global) -> global;
host_type_prefix(_) -> ?HOST_TYPE.

extra_opts(prefix) -> #{prefix => "mongooseim"};
extra_opts(env_prefix) -> #{env_prefix => "PROGNAME"};
extra_opts(_) -> #{}.

global_metrics_are_reported(Config) ->
Event = ?config(event, Config),
Prefix = prefix(Config) ++ [global, Event],
ok = mongoose_instrument:set_up(Event, #{}, #{metrics => #{count => spiral,
time => histogram}}),
ok = mongoose_instrument:execute(Event, #{}, #{count => 1, time => 2}),
wait_for_metric_value(Prefix ++ [count, count], 1),
wait_for_metric_value(Prefix ++ [time, mean], 2).

host_type_metrics_are_reported(Config) ->
Event = ?config(event, Config),
HostType = ?config(host_type_prefix, Config),
Prefix = prefix(Config) ++ [HostType, Event],
ok = mongoose_instrument:set_up(Event, ?LABELS, #{metrics => #{count => spiral,
time => histogram}}),
ok = mongoose_instrument:execute(Event, ?LABELS, #{count => 1, time => 2}),
wait_for_metric_value(Prefix ++ [count, count], 1),
wait_for_metric_value(Prefix ++ [time, mean], 2).

wait_for_metric_value(Metric, ExpectedValue) ->
ReportedName = reported_metric_name(Metric),
F = fun() -> carbon_cache_server:get_metric(ReportedName) end,
Check = fun({Value, TS}) when is_integer(TS), TS > 0 ->
Value =:= ExpectedValue;
(_) -> false
mongoose_helper:wait_until(F, Check, #{name => ReportedName}).

reported_metric_name(Metric) ->
lists:flatten(string:join([io_lib:format("~s", [Part]) || Part <- Metric], ".")).

prefix(Config) ->
case ?config(extra_opts, Config) of
#{prefix := Prefix} ->
#{env_prefix := EnvPrefix} ->
case os:getenv(EnvPrefix) of
false -> ct:fail("Environment variable ~s is undefined", EnvPrefix);
Prefix -> [Prefix]
#{} ->

opts(Group, Config) ->
AllGlobal = Group =:= all_metrics_are_global,
InstrConfig = #{probe_interval => 1,
exometer => #{all_metrics_are_global => AllGlobal,
report => get_reporters_cfg(Config)}},
#{hosts => [<<"localhost">>],
host_types => [],
internal_databases => #{},
instrumentation => config_parser_helper:config([instrumentation], InstrConfig)}.

get_reporters_cfg(Config) ->
Port = ?config(carbon_port, Config),
Name = list_to_atom("graphite:" ++ integer_to_list(Port)),
ExtraOpts = ?config(extra_opts, Config),
#{Name => ExtraOpts#{connect_timeout => 10000,
host => "",
port => Port,
interval => 1000}}.

join_atoms(A1, A2) ->
list_to_atom(join_atoms_to_list(A1, A2)).

join_atoms_to_list(A1, A2) ->
atom_to_list(A1) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(A2).
87 changes: 0 additions & 87 deletions test/mongooseim_metrics_SUITE.erl

This file was deleted.

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