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Proceedings 2018 ESPResSo meetings

Jean-Noël Grad edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Proceedings of the 2018 ESPResSo meetings


Git and Bug Fix Organisation

➡️ Use github tags to track PRs ➡️ Look into enforcing tagging

Documentation of the CI

  • We have custom CI infrastructure
  • Its critical and needs to be documented
  • Should be kept under version control and if possible do reviews/4 eyes

➡️ Jean-Noël is looking into this

Log and for the Espresso meetings

  • We may consider making a short results log and publish it somewhere for people who can not be present
  • Maybe have an low-tech agenda somewhere that people can add items to be discussed at the next meeting.

➡️ Inform Rudolf

MegaMOL visusalization

  • Visus people said they are working on something
  • Ready for paper?
  • Ready for 4.0.1

➡️ Contact Tobias Rau/Visus

Release paper

➡️ Discussed elsewhere

Release debriefing

  • Final steps were too chaotic

    • We need a checklist/process description for the future
    • Key parts were not tested (installation, version number, building from tarball, ...)

    ➡️ Open Issues

  • We need a quick bug fix release (aim for Nov)

➡️ Fix date and what should go in

  • Over all took too long. Maybe consider a fixed roadmap with hard freezes. Only delay on show stopper.

➡️ Make release candidate to identify issues before the release.

Release process

➡️ Make checklist, see #2269.