LuThesis is a LaTeX Thesis Template for Lanzhou University of Technology supporting from bachelor, master, doctor dissertations to post-doc report. Since the users of this package are supposed to be Chinese or those understand Chinese, the following of this file and all other documents are written in Chinese only. LuThesis is based on ThuThesis (LaTeX thesis template package for Tsinghua University) v5.3.2.
LuThesis为 Lanzhou University of Technology Thesis LaTeX Template之缩写。
此宏包旨在建立一个简单易用的兰州理工大学学位论文LaTeX模板,包括本科毕业论文、硕士毕业论文、博士毕业论文。现在仅支持硕士毕业论文格式,之后会陆续加入对其它格式的支持。 LuThesis基于ThuThesis (清华大学LaTeX学位论文宏包) v5.3.2编写。
本模板在Windows下的TexLive 2017及TeXStudio 2.12使用XeLaTeX编译成功,请下载对应软件并按照先TexLive后TeXStudio的顺序进行安装,安装教程请参考: