cwkeyer is a python based serial cw keyer for use with generic serial interfaces. That is to say, it functions by manipulating the RTS or DTR pin of a serial port and can act like a computer controlled sstrait key. Because of this, it works with any radio that has a key jack.
-d specifies the serial device. default is '/dev/ttyUSB0'
-w CW keying speed in words per minutes. default: 20 wpm
-t Text to transmit. Surround multiple words by quotes.
--dtr Use DTR pin instead of RTS pin for keying. default is to use RTS
--invert Invert the logic of setting pin - used in the event that your serial has hi/low backwards
--cut-nums Use contest-style abbreviated numbers (A for 1, N for 9, T for 0)
you can pass single or multi character macros within a string inside of the macro escape characters <>.
For instance, to increase your speed by 5 wpm when you send test, you would send the following string.
"CQ <+>TEST <->N0CALL"
This will increase your wpm by 5wpm for each + encountered within the macro, and decrease by 5pm for each -.
Macros can also be used to send prosigns such as "HI BOB<bt>HW R U?"
NOTE not all prosigns implemented at this time