A big project that aims to fix and streamline GBOOBS and the Actor Damage Balancer from G.A.M.M.A.
- FULLY HIJACKED Anomaly's damage to the player system.
- You can't become immune to damage anymore.
- Damage to armor now scales ONLY with your armor protection, instead of being offsetted by artefacts or boosters.
- (Almost) Completely configurable via .ltx files in "gamedata\configs\plugins"
- This includes but it's not limited to:
- Particles on hit, for the player/NPCs/monsters.
- Player resistances and damage scaling.
- Per NPC properties (such as GBO armor, damage scaling, etc).
- Per Monster properties (such as ammo multipliers, damage scaling, crit spots, crit multipliers)
- This includes but it's not limited to:
- Fixes for a variety of crashes and annoyances.
- Monsters can be subject to overpenetration, which heavily reduce their damage taken (Snipers ignore this rule)
- NPCs' armor was split into only Head/Body instead of being per bone (i.e. armor in the left eye is independant from the rest of the head)
- Clean up code in general.
- Fine tune balance in general.
- Remove .338 Lapua Magnum.