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Elm Dialog

Deprecated. There are better ways of showing dialog modals than the 0.16 version of this package. Rewrite in progress on 0.17 branch for a nicer, TEA-compliant version. Or just use krisajenkins/elm-dialog, that's good stuff.

elm package install etaque/elm-dialog

A modal component for Elm. Not named elm-modal because it would be type-error-prone with the model we have everywhere in our apps!


  • Optimised for the simple cases, easy to use
  • Plug it once, use it from anywhere in your app (by sending a message),
  • Simple view/style provided (screenshot) but can work with any css framework,
  • Animation-ready: built on top of elm-transit, so you can add open/close effects and wait until animation is ended before seing your actions triggered.

How does it work?

It assumes that you can only have one instance at a time of an open modal, so the state can be global in the Elm way: declared once, usable from anywhere.

To avoid boilerplate in update delegation, an Address is exposed so this global state (ie dialog content, visibility) can be updated from anywhere in you views and updates.

A minor drawback is that the dialog content is stored as Html in the state, so can't be automaticaly rerendered from you app model if you need so: you have to send a task to update the dialog content.


Don't forged to import Dialog in every impacted module. See example/ for a fully working usage example.


Add the dialog instance to your model:

type alias Model = WithDialog { ... }

-- or without record extension:
type alias Model = 
  { dialog : Dialog
  , ...

See getContent, getOptions, getTransition, isOpen and isVisible for model querying. Initialize it with dialog = Dialog.initial.

Add a type case for the dialog actions:

type Action
  = NoOp
  | ...
  | DialogAction Dialog.Action


  • Add the case match for the dialog actions. If you've chosen the record extension, then you can use the wrappedUpdate, otherwise you should use the regular update function.
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
  case action of
    DialogAction dialogAction ->
      Dialog.wrappedUpdate DialogAction dialogAction model
  • Plug dialog signal as input into your app. With StartApp, that would be:
  { ...
  , inputs = [ DialogAction Dialog.actions ]


This package provides a simple theme under Dialog.Simple, here is a default stylesheet (you can roll out your own theme if you need it).

  • Plug Simple.view at the bottom of your top-level view. It's only a shell, hidden by default. It will be in charge of showing up the dialog content and backdrop according to state.
view : Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
    [ ]
    [ ... -- your app view
    , Dialog.Simple.view model.dialog
  • Open the dialog with openOnClick (or openWithOptionsOnClick if you need more control):
-- Somewhere in your views, where you need to open a dialog
somePartOfYourView addr =
    [ Dialog.openOnClick (dialog addr) ]
    [ text "..." ]
dialog : Address Action -> Dialog.Options -> List Html
dialog addr options =
  [ Dialog.header options "Are you sure?"
  , Dialog.body
      [ p [] [ text "Please give it a second thought." ] ]
  , Dialog.footer
      [ a
          [ class "btn btn-default"
          , Dialog.onClickHide
          [ text "You make me doubt" ]
      , a
          [ class "btn btn-primary"
          , Dialog.onClickHideThenSend addr SomeAction
          [ text "FFS, go on!" ]

Here we're using:

  • header as the title decorator, taking options as parameter: if options.onClose is non empty, it will display a close button
  • body for the message of the modal
  • footer for the actions.

Options are:

  • duration for the fade animation, in ms
  • onClose for the task to run when closing the modal. Set to Nothing to prevent closing.


The package provide two levels to control dialog:

  • The basis is address : Address Dialog.Action in combination with those action builders:

    • open, openWithOptions to open the modal with the provided content,
    • updateContent to update content without touching opened state
    • close, closeThenSend, closeThenDo to close the modal and send a message/run a task.

    That makes it controllable from everywhere in your app, not only views.

  • Some onClick shortcuts are available for the views, they produce an HTML attribute:

    • openOnClick and openWithOptionsOnClick
    • closeOnClick and closeThenSendOnClick



Modals for Elm






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