incorrectly simplifies declaration types for functions written in arrow notation.
The tsc
command used to build the source is as follows:
tsc src/*.ts --outdir build/ --allowSyntheticDefaultImports --declaration --sourceMap
And the source, containing equivalent functions aside from notation, is as follows:
export const map = <I, O>(i: I | undefined, fn: (_: I) => O): O | undefined => {
if (i === undefined) {
return undefined;
return fn(i);
export function map2<I, O>(i: I | undefined, fn: (_: I) => O): O | undefined {
if (i === undefined) {
return undefined;
return fn(i);
But tsc
generates the following types:
export declare const map: <I, O>(i: I, fn: (_: I) => O) => O;
export declare function map2<I, O>(
i: I | undefined,
fn: (_: I) => O
): O | undefined;
As seen above, map
has an incorrect type signature, while map2
has the correct type signature.
# install `typescript` dependency
npm install
# clear the old build
rm -rf build
# run build
npm run build