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etcroot edited this page Dec 27, 2021 · 2 revisions


This is a plugin that prevents the abuse of /op & /deop from being exploited. The approach i took with this is to only allow certain UUID's from a list in the config to be able to become a operator. In this way people with cracked clients won't be able to steal a users username and become op, because they won't be able to actually steal your UUID.


To set this up, edit the config.yml and put your UUID into the list, you can get your UUID on any third party minecraft skin websites. When you've edited the config you can start/restart your server and op yourself however you please.


There's not a specific permission, whoever is in the allowed-op will be able to use the op command.


/op - Add player to operator if they're in the allowed list. /deop - Remove player from operator. /opreload - Reloads the config file (However some values needs a server restart, such as allowed-op list.

Default Config:

If you're updating the plugin, you might have to delete your current plugin config folder but you can just copy the UUID's into the newly generated one.

# Example of your UUID
# You can get your UUID from
# Remove the default UUID for security.
- "1de0e79c-70c8-4c89-8849-2e67dd86eee5"

# Disable minecraft:op & minecraft:deop
disable-cmd: true

# Language stuff, change them as you please but DO NOT change the variable names.
# The plugin will crash if you change the variable names, only change values!
# Placeholders: %player%
prefix: "&c&lOProtection &7> &r"
no-perms: "&cYou're not allowed to execute this command."
no-username: "&cYou didn't provide with a username."
not-online: "&cThis player is not online."
removed-player: "&cRemoved &b%player%&c as operator."
added-player: "&aAdded &b%player%&a as operator."
not-in-list: "&cThis player is not in the allowed operator list."
plugin-reloaded: "&aPlugin successfully reloaded."
cmd-disabled: "&cThis command is disabled."

pl-version: 1.0.4
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