Web interface for wireshark.
You can try demo on:
Or by running docker image with your capture library: $ docker run -v ~/yours_capture_directory:/caps -p 8000:80 -it webshark/webshark:devel
Now you have webshark running under: http://localhost:8000/static/webshark/index.html
To make advanced files filtering (duration, frames count) you must rebuild database by entering: http://yoursite/webshark/json?req=refreshdb You can monitor status by watching console.
Build sharkd tarball
$ docker build -t sharkd:latest sharkd/
$ docker run -v "$PWD"/out:/out --rm -it sharkd:latest
Build and run docker image:
$ pnpm i browserify-lite
$ browserify-lite --standalone webshark ./web/js/webshark.js --outfile web/js/webshark-app.js
$ docker build -t webshark:latest .
$ docker run -v pcaps:/caps -p 8000:80 -it webshark:latest