implement Snake agent with Q_learning and Approximate Q_learning
Download source codes of snake game coding with python. It is a simple game with less than 200 lines of codes
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- replace the manual keyboard operation with the Q-learning agent and approximate Q-learning agent which can play the game automatically
- alpha 0.2
- gamma 0.8
- epsilon epsilon = 1 - (round * 1 / round)
- loadData load weights or values from csv file
- saveData save weights or values to csv file
- getQValue(self, state, action)
- computeActionFromQValues(self, state)
- getAction(self, state) -> according to epsilon
- random
- optimal action
- computeValueFromQValues(self, state)
- update(self, oldState, action, reward, curState)
- part 1: action
- part 2: positions, relative positions and some checking
- x position of head equal 0 or 19?
- y position of head equal 0 or 19?
- relative x position of head to food?
- relative y position of head to food?
- If snake head surrounded by circle
- y position of head equal y position of food?
- x position of head > x position of food?
- y position of head > y position of food?
- get closer to food?
- head crash body?
- head crash wall?
- +5 : eat food
- -10 : crash wall
- -7 : bite itself
There is balance of agent between crash the wall, bite itself and eat the food. By adjusting the parameters, the snake can improve its performance. On 20 X 20 board, highest score can reach 60.
- Change the values of rewards
- Add or remove some variables of state
- Train the snake agent
- Watch the train result
- Repeat above steps
- getQValue: calculate Q Value with weights instead of Q-table
- update: update weights of features
- getFeatures: according to states produce related features
- bias 1.0
- bite itself
- crash the wall
- eat the food
- distance to the food
- enter a danger circle
- body occupy whole row or column
- go to corner along wall
- table of Q-value is huge, it produces huge amount of training data, while approximate Q- learning only stores several feature values
- Q learning is slow corresponding to its big Q-value table, while approximate Q- learning is very fast with better performance.
- Highest score.
- Q learning: approximate 60
- approximate Q learning: above 100