Extend libActivator with queues, timers, conditions, and more!
Purpose: Queuey allows the queueing of actions for rpetrich's famous MobileSubstrate tweak, Activator. Users can run any number of actions, and can include delays, conditional statements, and notifications by way of UIAlertViews, sounds, or vibration patterns. Using this extremely powerful tool, actions that would normally take minutes can be queued and run in the background, leaving the user free to accomplish other things. Any Cydia tweak that ties into Activator can be utilized, essentially providing endless possibilities. In addition, Queuey provides actions unavailable in Activator by default, including setting alarms, killing apps in the switcher, and sending messages in the background (requires BiteSMS?).
Examples: Turn lights off in room (using HueHueHue), wait 30 seconds, Airplane Mode ON, Ringer OFF, prompt [time], set alarm for [time], send message to S.O. that you've gone to bed.
Possibility to look into: Scheduled tasks. Kicked off by alarms! Example: At 10:30 AM, turn on ringer, turn on wireless (airplane off), wait 30 seconds, toggle lights (using HueHueHue), wait 30 seconds, play a song in music.
ACTIONS -activator -alarms -text messages/emails -opening app -playing song
CONDITIONS -time -battery -weather -toggle status -location