Libraries: SkLearn, Pandas, Seaborn, MatPlotLib, and NumPy
Projects: Two projects related to linear regression were done. One was predicting housing prices in Boston, while the other was predicting the survival of people on the Titanic. Here are some images of the Titanic project below. I used a 70%-30% test and validation sets.
Libraries: Seaborn, MatPlotLib, SkLearn
Projects: In this project, I had an array of data, and given the array, I created a k-means model to group this data into four separate compartments.
Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Random, and TensorFlow
Projects: Using the fashion MNIST, I made a convolutional neural network that can determine different types of articles of clothing. I used a 30/70 testing and training set. In this project, I used the library Keras from Tensorflow.
Libraries: Gym, Numpy
Projects: I also did a Q-Learning project here. I used the gym, NumPy, and Bellman's equations to make the computer win a specific taxi game and score the highest possible score.
Libraries: Keras Sequential Model (Layers: Dense, Dropout, Concetenate), Google Gym, Numpy
Projects: I used reinforcement learning with Atari games. This was acquired from using Google Gym.