This repository holds the necessary interfaces and base contracts to interact with an existing GIF instance. The repository is not intended to be used on its own.
The repository uses Gitflow .
New features/fixes are to be based on the develop
Releases are to be created from the main
or a release/
Hotfixes on releases are to based on the affected release/
or the main
Github Actions will automatically publish npm packages (with tag next
) to npm.js containing the latest contracts.
The only exception is the main
branch, which requires manual releases using npm publish
(without any tags).
git clone
cd gif-interface
To use our fully configured IDE see the instructions at In this case you can skip the next two steps as the devcontainer is based on the (updated) brownie image.
Brownie is used for development of the contracts in this repository.
Alternatively to installing a python development environment and the brownie framework, wokring with Brownie is also possible via Docker. For this, build the brownie Docker image as shown below. The Dockerfile in this repository is a trimmed down version from Brownie Github
docker build -t brownie .
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/projects brownie
Inside the brownie container compile the contracts/interfaces
brownie compile --all
Linter findings are shown automatically in vscode. To execute it manually, run the following command:
solhint contracts/**/*.sol
and including prettier formatting
solhint --config .solhint.prettier.json contracts/**/*.sol
npm ci
npm version patch/minor/major --no-git-tag-version
npm publish
git commit -m 'bump version'
Foundry is a new tool to build and test smart contracts. More documentation about foundry can be found in the foundry [](Foundry book).
The project is configured to use foundry.
All contracts in the contracts
folder can be compiled using foundry as well as brownie (results are stored in build_foundry
Foundry tests are writte in solidy and can be found in the tests_foundry
folder (they need to be separate from brownie based tests).
Dependencies are stored in the lib
folder and are mapped in the foundry.yaml
config file.
To compile the contracts using foundry, run the following command:
forge build
To run the foundry based tests, run the following command:
forge test