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Aslam cv specific code style

Fadri Furrer edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 1 revision

In this repository we follow the ASL coding guidelines with some modifications:

Programming style

  • Don't be fancy: Aslam_cv is a library used by many people. If you want to show off weird code that exploits a specific particularity of a compiler or the c++ language try it somewhere else. The code should be efficient but also readable by humans. There is a place for SSA and inline assembly, but 99.9% of the time, a normal implementation is as efficient as a complicated one, or it just doesn't matter anyway.
  • Be efficient at the appropriate time: Think about if a particular optimization just degrades readability and shows off what a great programmer you are or if it is actually improving performance.
  • Watch your algorithmic complexity and memory access: On most modern machines the memory access is the limiting factor, watch memory layout, pointer indirection and loop-ordering as these are most strongly influencing performance.

Variable and parameter naming

  • Prefer writing out a human understandable name and avoid abbreviations where possible.
  • Strictly keep the correct mathematical notation for frames and transformations as discussed [here](Expressing frame transformations in code.). Add short comments if the single letter frame specification is not self explanatory, but do not write the full name for a frame.

Naming of variables and methods

  • Name your variables s.t. other people can directly understand what is going on.
bool projection_successful = camera->Project(/*...*/)
  • Methods should contain a verb s.t. it is clear what a method does:
bool UndistortImage(const cv::Mat& input_image, cv::Mat* output_image) const {
// ...


  • Do not comment on obvious parts of the code.
    • Don't do this:
     // Allocate an empty image.
     cv::Mat img;
     // Load the image from the file specified by file_name.
  • Comment on parts of the code which are non-standard or where to document where ever a non-standard approach was taken for a non-obvious reason.
    • But do this:
    // O_DIRECT writing uses DMA and to achieve this needs the input memory to be
    // memory aligned to multiples of 4096.  See man 2 memalign for details.
    #ifdef ANDROID
    #define posix_memalign(a, b, c) (((*a) = memalign(b, c)) == NULL)

Function signatures

Parameter passing

  • Input values of primitive types (int, double, bool etc.) are passed by value.
  • Input values of complex types (classes etc) are passed by reference to const.
  • Input/Output values are passed by pointer.
  • Output values are passed by pointer.

Passing shared pointers

  • Input shared pointers are passed by reference to const.
  • Shared pointers where the content (the object that the pointer points to) is modified are passed by value
  • Shared pointers which are modified themselves are passed by pointer.

Parameter ordering

  • Input, Input/Output, Output

Default values

  • Do not put default values for methods. They are too often introducing bugs when parameters get reordered. Instead use overloads. Discussion

Parameter checking

  • All parameters passed by pointer need to be checked for null. Use the GLog CHECK_NOTNULL(pointer); macro for raw pointers and the GLog CHECK(shared_ptr) macro for shared_ptrs.

Value Checks

Use the GLog CHECK(x) macros instead of assertions.

Unlike assert, it is not controlled by NDEBUG, so the check will be executed regardless of compilation mode.

Prefer the specific macros where possible:


CHECK_EQ(2, 1 + 1)
CHECK_EQ(std::vector<int>().size(), 0u);

CHECK(bool(1), true);

CHECK_LT(1, 2);
CHECK_NEAR(1.0, 1.0000001, 1e-4);