Python tools to perform hand-eye calibration.
If you are using these tools, please cite our paper:
author="Furrer, Fadri
and Fehr, Marius
and Novkovic, Tonci
and Sommer, Hannes
and Gilitschenski, Igor
and Siegwart, Roland",
editor="Siegwart, Roland
and Hutter, Marco",
title="Evaluation of Combined Time-Offset Estimation and Hand-Eye Calibration on Robotic Datasets",
bookTitle="Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 11th International Conference",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
It includes time alignment of sets of poses, the implementation of a dual-quaternion based approach to solve the hand eye calibration, pre-filtering and filtering of poses, as well as the integration of a pose refinement step using batch optimization from oomact.
There are also classes that implement quaternions and dual-quaternions a set of plotting tools that were used to generate the plots in the paper.
The datasets where these algorithms are evaluated on can be found here.
# Install ROS repository
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common libv4l-dev
sudo add-apt-repository "deb xenial main"
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
# Install system depdendencies [INCOMPLETE]
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full doxygen python-catkin-tools
# Create catkin workspace.
export CATKIN_WS=~/catkin_ws
mkdir -p $CATKIN_WS/src
catkin init
catkin config --merge-devel
catkin config --extend /opt/ros/<YOUR_ROS_DISTRO>
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# Clone the repositories and its dependencies.
cd src
git clone
wstool init
wstool merge hand_eye_calibration/all_dependencies.rosinstall
wstool update -j 8
# Build hand_eye_calibration_package
catkin build hand_eye_calibration hand_eye_calibration_target_extractor hand_eye_calibration_batch_estimation
Our hand-eye calibration expects timestamped poses with Hamiltonian quaternions in the following format, where [.] denotes the unit:
p = [t[s], x[m], y[m], z[m], q_x, q_y, q_z, q_w]
Our scripts expect CSV files with the following format:
t, x, y, z, q_x, q_y, q_z, q_w
In our hand-eye calibration we use the following frames:
- H: Hand — The frame of the robot end-effector (or the vicon output pose).
- B: Base — The robot's base frame, usually the end-effector poses are expressed with respect to this frame.
- E: Eye — The frame of the camera.
- W: World - The frame of the target.
All our tools can either be run via ROS, using
rosrun hand_eye_calibration <tool>.py [arguments]
or directly by changing into this directory (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src/hand_eye_calibration/hand_eye_calibration
) and executing:
./bin/<tool>.py [arguments]
A typical use case consists of the following steps (here using ROS):
- Extract poses from tf (ROS transformation type) messages (with time stamps):
rosrun hand_eye_calibration --bag calibration.bag --tf_source_frame end_effector --tf_target_frame base_link --csv_output_file tf_poses_timestamped.csv
- Extract poses from images (with time stamps):
rosrun hand_eye_calibration \ --bag calibration.bag \ --calib_file_camera calib/camera_intrinsics.yaml \ --calib_file_target calib/target.yaml \ --image_topic /camera/rgb/image_raw \ --output_file camera_poses_timestamped.csv
- Time alignment of the poses and interpolate the two sets at given time stamps:
rosrun hand_eye_calibration \ --poses_B_H_csv_file tf_poses_timestamped.csv \ --poses_W_E_csv_file camera_poses_timestamped.csv \ --aligned_poses_B_H_csv_file tf_aligned.csv \ --aligned_poses_W_E_csv_file camera_aligned.csv \ --time_offset_output_csv_file time_offset.csv
- Perform the dual-quaternion-based hand-eye calibration:
rosrun hand_eye_calibration \ --aligned_poses_B_H_csv_file tf_aligned.csv \ --aligned_poses_W_E_csv_file camera_aligned.csv \ --time_offset_input_csv_file time_offset.csv \ --calibration_output_json_file calibration.json \ --visualize True
- Run optimization to refine the calibration:
rosrun hand_eye_calibration_batch_estimation batch_estimator \
--v 1 \
--pose1_csv tf_poses_timestamped.csv \
--pose2_csv camera_poses_timestamped.csv \
--init_guess_file calibration.json \
--output_file calibration_optimized.json
If you already have the CSV files ready as described above you can use the end-to-end calibration script as follows:
rosrun hand_eye_calibration \
poses_B_H.csv poses_W_E.csv
Tests are all python unittests and can be run with the following command:
python test/test_<test_filename>.py
or you can directly invoke the tests with catkin:
catkin run_tests hand_eye_calibration