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               OOFEM : Object Oriented Finite Element Code

                 Copyright (C) 1993 - 2013   Borek Patzak

         Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
          Department of Mechanics, 166 29 Prague, Czech Republic

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                                                                              


[1]   What is here
[2]   Pre-requisites
[3]   Installation
[4]   Running oofem and oofeg
[5]   Related Links

[1] What is here
The directory tree below holds source code to the OOFEM package.  

|-- doc - contains the "User's guide", sources to generate "Reference manual", 
|         documents describing the input file specifications, element and
|         material libraries, and other useful documents. 
|-- src - source files of all oofem modules
|   |
|   |-- oofemlib - sources of the core part of OOFEM, the OOFEMlib module.
|   |
|   |-- sm       - sources of structural analysis module.
|   |
|   |-- tm       - sources of transport problem module.
|   |
|   |-- fm       - sources of fluid mechanics module.
|   |
|   |-- dss      - includes the sources for Direct Sparse Solver (DSS),
|   |              contributed by R. Vondracek)
|   |
|   |-- main     - contains the sources of main() and implementation of some 
|                  global functions for oofem, oofeg, and poofem targets.
|-- tools   - sources for several utility programs.
|-- tests   - contains several tests, which are useful to verify
|             the program functionality.
|-- bindings - holds sources to generate OOFEM bindings to Python programming language.

[2] Pre-requisites
The oofem requires the CMake cross-platform build system and C++ compiler with
STL support (Standard Template Library).

The oofem contains interface to IML++ library. It is the C++ templated 
library of modern iterative methods for solving both symmetric and 
non-symmetric linear systems of equations, written by 
Roldan Pozo. It can be downloaded from 

The graphical post-processor (oofeg) requires the ELIXIR and Ckit libraries
by Petr Krysl (, to be installed. 
They provide X-windows graphics support.  
The version of Elixir to be used with OOFEM is likely to be not compatible 
with the original version maintained by the Petr Krysl. The compatible
Elixir version is available at oofem home page 
( The Ckit library can be obtained 
at the same location.

Parallel version (poofem) requires MPI library to be installed. 
If you do not have any, we recommend to use Open MPI. 
This is a freely available, high-performance, and portable 
implementation of MPI (

If you want to use PETSc toolkit, the PETSc version 3.3 or higher is
required. The toolkit can be downloaded from PETSc project home page 

If you want to use SLEPc toolkit, the SLEPc version 3.3 or higher is
required. The toolkit can be downloaded from SLEPc project home page 

XML parser is supported through tinyXML2 library. The library is required
for tm module, particularly for CEMHYD3D model and can be downloaded from 
its git repository (

The reference manual can be generated automatically from the sources.
You can use it to generate documentation of your classes, too.
To do this, you have to install doxygen documentation system 
( and the Graph visualization toolkit 

To build the element library, material library, and oofem input manuals 
from the sources the latex and latex2html packages are required.

The compiled Reference Manual itself is not included in release 
due to its size. It can be accessed online from oofem home page.

[3] Installation

Quick instructions for UNIX:
0) unpack sources 
1) create an out-of-tree build directory
   "mkdir -p ~/build/debug"
2) configure the target
   "cd ~/build/debug; cmake PATH_TO_OOFEM_SOURCES"
   where PATH_TO_OOFEM_SOURCES is the path to OOFEM source directory,
   created in step 0 (~/oofem-2.2, for example). 
3) compile OOFEM
4) optionally, run the tests

Additional instructions 
Instead of cmake you can use ccmake which uses an ncurses interface, 
or cmake-gui for a GUI. Use the command make help for a list of all targets. 

You can find detailed installation (including installation on Windows)
 instruction on OOFEM wiki (

To get support check out oofem wiki ( and
oofem forum ( as well.

[4] Running oofem and oofeg
The oofem program prints out the available options when run without
any option. To run a specific job, you can enter

oofem -f input_file_name

To run oofeg (graphic post-processor), you need job context file 
(created by oofem, for example using -context option). To run oofeg, enter

oofeg -f input_file_name

There are few useful oofeg key-bindings:
Fast viewing

B1            =  window
Ctrl B1       =  pan
Ctrl B2       =  zoom
Shift B2      =  fit all (only active drawing window will be affected)
Ctrl Shift B1 =  rotate
B3            =  done


B1            =  select
Ctrl B1       =  select window
Shift B1      =  select nearest point 
                 (confirm by B1 or select next one by Shift B1)
B2            =  accept
B3            =  reject

[5] Further documentation
Please consult oofem home page ( for 
more documentation, manuals and new versions.


Please mail all bug reports and suggestions to []. I will try to
give satisfaction, if the time is at least partially on my side. 

                                        Borek Patzak


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