Just another community-maintained platform for managing NUS-related Telegram groups.
TeleNUS is a community-maintained platform for managing NUS-related Telegram groups. Users can add and remove groups using the TeleNUS bot and browse groups on the TeleNUS website.
By design, all users are given the freedom to add any groups into TeleNUS to encourage diversity of groups. To counteract malicious users from adding inappropriate groups, all users are also given the power to remove any groups from TeleNUS. Since the power of curation is distributed equally among all users, TeleNUS is effectively maintained by the community of users.
Add @telenus_bot into the group, promote it to an administrator, and run the /add
Run the /remove
Administrative rights are required to generate the group link. They are also needed to automatically remove the alert messages when a user entered or leave the chat.
TeleNUS is MIT licensed.