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Schema Field Entries Members

Arnold Nipper edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 13 revisions

Schema Field Entries - Members

member_list - a JSON array of IXP participants.

member_list.[].asnum - the Autonomous System Number presented by the participant at the IXP.

member_list.[].member_type - the IXP participant type. This can be one of several enumerated values, including:

  • peering - regular peering participant at the IXP
  • ixp - the IXP itself
  • other - some other sort of participant at the IXP which isn't included in the categories above

member_list.[].name - the name of the IXP participant.

member_list.[].url - the IXP participant's normal commercial web site.

member_list.[].peering_policy - the peering policy for the participant. This should be one of the enumerated values from ixp_list.[].peering_policy_list in the schema root.

member_list.[].peering_policy_url - a URL to the participant's peering policy web page, if it exists.

member_list.[].member_since - the date (ISO 8601) that the participant became a customer/member of the IXP.

member_list.[].contact_email - a JSON array of contact email addresses for the IXP participant.

member_list.[].contact_phone - a JSON array of contact phone numbers for the IXP participant.

member_list.[].contact_hours - the normal business operating hours for the IXP participant.

member_list.[].connection_list - a list of the physical or virtual connections that the participant has to the IXP. A connection in this sense may refer to a single physical port or a LAG bundle defined across multiple ports or even multiple switches.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].ixp_id - a reference to the IXP infrastructure ID, ixp_list.[].ixp_id as defined in Schema Field Entries. This determines which IXP infrastructure this connection uses.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].state - the current state of the port. This is a text field and may vary from IXP to IXP. It is suggested that IXPs consider the following list of states:

  • connected - connected and operating normally
  • notconnected - physically not connected to the IXP due to some issue on the part of the IXP participant
  • disabled - disabled by the IXP
  • quarantine - connected to the IXP but in a quarantine state and not linked to the peering VLAN
  • awaiting-xconnect - both IXP and IXP participant ready for a connection, but waiting for a cross-connect from the colocation provider

member_list.[].connection_list.[].connected_since - the delivery date (ISO 8601) of the physical link

member_list.[].connection_list.[].if_list - a list of physical switch interfaces which this connection uses.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].if_list.[].switch_id - a reference to the switch ID as defined in ixp_list.[].switch.[].id.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].if_list.[].if_speed - the physical speed of the interface in mbit/sec.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].if_list.[].if_type - the physical type of the interface. This is a free-text field which may vary from IXP to IXP.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list - a list of the 802.1q VLANs which are presented on the IXP participant interface.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].vlan_id - a reference to the vlan ID as defined in ixp_list.[].vlan.[].id.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].mac_address - the IXP participant MAC address which is presented on the connection and associated with the primary ipv4 address.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.address - the IXP participant's IPv4 address, written in dotted quad format.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.as_macro - the Internet Routing Registry database as-set macro which defines the list of IPv4 prefixes that the participant will present at the IXP.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.max_prefix - the maximum number of IPv4 prefixes that the IXP partipicant will present at the IXP.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.routeserver - a boolean flag which indicates whether this address is connected to the IXP's IPv4 route servers defined on the IXP VLAN in question.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.mac_addresses - MAC address of the member interface (format: lowercase string xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv4.service_type - ENUM field to indicate the service type(s) available from this connection.

Defined types:

  • ixrouteserver - IX operated route server
  • ixroutecollector - IX operated route collector

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.address - the IXP participant's IPv6 address, written in strict hexadecimal format (i.e. no scoped IPv4 addresses, etc).

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.as_macro - the Internet Routing Registry database as-set macro which defines the list of IPv6 prefixes that the participant will present at the IXP.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.max_prefix - the maximum number of IPv6 prefixes that the IXP partipicant will present at the IXP.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.routeserver - a boolean flag which indicates whether this address is connected to the IXP's IPv6 route servers defined on the IXP VLAN in question.

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.mac_addresses - MAC address of the member interface (format: lowercase string xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).

member_list.[].connection_list.[].vlan_list.[].ipv6.service_type - ENUM field to indicate the service type(s) available from this connection.

Defined types:

  • ixrouteserver - IX operated route server
  • ixroutecollector - IX operated route collector