Run ./ install
Run ./ build
Run ./ start
(a --detached
option is available).
Wait for the angular build to be finished.
The application is now operational.
To regenerate all nginx certificates. First, you must delete them.
Run rm nginx/ssl/adc-broker-nginx-key*
They are recreated during the build.
The website is accessible at the address http://localhost (for the moment it is not accessible outside the VM). An administrator is created by default with the default password admin (it need to be changed).
The REST message publishing interface is available at the address http://localhost/api/publish.
The AMQP message receiving interface is available at the address amqps://username:password@localhost:5771/queue_path. The username in this address correspond to the first part of a subscriber mail (before the @). Only subscribers users have access to the broker.
In a first time we need to get a token.
Run curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/api/token/' --form 'username="<username>"' --form 'password="<password>"'
This will return a connection token for the user.
Then we can send a message
Run curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/api/publish/' --header 'Authorization: Token <myToken>' --form 'policy_id="<publisher policy id>"' --form 'message="<message>"'
The policy_id can be obtained in the publisher page.
To receive AMQP messages, a test client is available.
Run export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/git/adc-broker-backend/
Run cd git/adc-broker-backend/backend/amqp/test_clients
Run python3 -u amqps://<username>:<password>@localhost:5771/ -a <queue path>
The username in this address correspond to the first part of a subscriber mail (before the @).
Run ./ stop
(a --purge
option is available to reset all the data).