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Symmetric fix (#23)
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Fix helper method inscost for matrix types besides Matrix. In particular solve_tsp should now work for Symmetric inputs.
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evanfields authored May 28, 2020
1 parent 5bb07d7 commit 18f849b
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Showing 2 changed files with 136 additions and 127 deletions.
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/helpers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,8 +136,13 @@ improvement_threshold(T::Type{<:Integer}) = one(T)
improvement_threshold(T::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = sqrt(eps(one(T)))
improvement_threshold(T::Type{<:Real}) = sqrt(eps(1.0))

#Cost of inserting city `k` after index `after` in path `path` with costs `distmat`.
function inscost(k::Int, after::Int, path::AbstractArray{S}, distmat::Matrix{T}) where {T<:Real, S<:Integer}
"Cost of inserting city `k` after index `after` in path `path` with costs `distmat`."
function inscost(
return distmat[path[after], k] +
distmat[k, path[after + 1]] -
distmat[path[after], path[after + 1]]
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254 changes: 129 additions & 125 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,174 +10,178 @@ using LinearAlgebra

# generate a Euclidean distance matrix for n points in the unit square
function generate_planar_distmat(n)
pts = rand(2, n)
dm = [norm(pts[:,i] - pts[:,j]) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]
pts = rand(2, n)
dm = [norm(pts[:,i] - pts[:,j]) for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]

# test that a path is acceptable:
# - at most one city appears twice, and if so must be first and last
# - all values 1:n are present where n is the maximum city index, and no other values
function testpathvalidity(path, iscycle)
if iscycle
@test path[1] == path[end]
n = iscycle ? length(path) - 1 : length(path)
@test sort(unique(path)) == collect(1:n)
if iscycle
@test path[1] == path[end]
n = iscycle ? length(path) - 1 : length(path)
@test sort(unique(path)) == collect(1:n)

# tests that a path-cost pair is consistent with the distance matrix
# basically a reimplementation of `pathcost`, but hey...less likely to double a mistake?
function testpathcost(path, cost, dm)
c = zero(eltype(dm))
for i in 1:(length(path) - 1)
c += dm[path[i], path[i+1]]
@test isapprox(c, cost)
c = zero(eltype(dm))
for i in 1:(length(path) - 1)
c += dm[path[i], path[i+1]]
@test isapprox(c, cost)

# main tests

function test_nearest_neighbor()
distmats = [generate_planar_distmat(10), generate_planar_distmat(2)]
for dm in distmats
n = size(dm, 1)
randstartcity = rand(1:n)
# standard
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# repetitive
path, cost = repetitive_heuristic(dm, nearest_neighbor)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# no loop, 2 opt
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
# no loop, no 2 opt
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false, do2opt = false)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
# fixed start, no loop
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false, firstcity = randstartcity)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
dm_bad = rand(3,2)
@test_throws ErrorException nearest_neighbor(dm_bad)
distmats = [generate_planar_distmat(10), generate_planar_distmat(2)]
for dm in distmats
n = size(dm, 1)
randstartcity = rand(1:n)
# standard
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# repetitive
path, cost = repetitive_heuristic(dm, nearest_neighbor)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# no loop, 2 opt
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
# no loop, no 2 opt
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false, do2opt = false)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
# fixed start, no loop
path, cost = nearest_neighbor(dm, closepath = false, firstcity = randstartcity)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, false)
dm_bad = rand(3,2)
@test_throws ErrorException nearest_neighbor(dm_bad)

function test_cheapest_insertion()
# default random start
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = cheapest_insertion(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # should be a closed path
# repetitive start
path, cost = repetitive_heuristic(dm, cheapest_insertion)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# bad input
dmbad = rand(2,3)
@test_throws ErrorException cheapest_insertion(dmbad)
# default random start
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = cheapest_insertion(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # should be a closed path
# repetitive start
path, cost = repetitive_heuristic(dm, cheapest_insertion)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true)
# bad input
dmbad = rand(2,3)
@test_throws ErrorException cheapest_insertion(dmbad)

function test_farthest_insertion()
# standard symmetric case
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = farthest_insertion(dm)
testpathvalidity(path, true)
testpathcost(path, cost, dm)
# invalid argument
@test_throws ErrorException farthest_insertion(dm; firstcity = 0)
# asymmetric matrix
dm = rand(20, 20)
path, cost = farthest_insertion(dm; firstcity = 1, do2opt = true)
testpathvalidity(path, true)
testpathcost(path, cost, dm)
# standard symmetric case
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = farthest_insertion(dm)
testpathvalidity(path, true)
testpathcost(path, cost, dm)
# invalid argument
@test_throws ErrorException farthest_insertion(dm; firstcity = 0)
# asymmetric matrix
dm = rand(20, 20)
path, cost = farthest_insertion(dm; firstcity = 1, do2opt = true)
testpathvalidity(path, true)
testpathcost(path, cost, dm)

function test_simulated_annealing()
dm = generate_planar_distmat(14)
# single start
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # closed path
# multi-start
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm, num_starts = 3)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # also closed
# given init path
init_path = collect(1:8)
push!(init_path, 1)
reverse!(init_path, 2, 6)
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm; init_path = init_path)
@test cost > lowerbound(dm)
testpathvalidity(path, true) # still closed
dm = generate_planar_distmat(14)
# single start
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # closed path
# multi-start
dm = generate_planar_distmat(8)
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm, num_starts = 3)
@test cost > 0
testpathvalidity(path, true) # also closed
# given init path
init_path = collect(1:8)
push!(init_path, 1)
reverse!(init_path, 2, 6)
path, cost = simulated_annealing(dm; init_path = init_path)
@test cost > lowerbound(dm)
testpathvalidity(path, true) # still closed

function test_bounds()
dm = generate_planar_distmat(2)
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm)
lb = lowerbound(dm)
@test lb <= cost
dm = generate_planar_distmat(30)
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm)
lb = lowerbound(dm)
@test lb <= cost
dm = generate_planar_distmat(2)
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm)
lb = lowerbound(dm)
@test lb <= cost
dm = generate_planar_distmat(30)
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm)
lb = lowerbound(dm)
@test lb <= cost

function test_path_costs()
dm = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
p1 = [1, 2, 3, 1]
dm = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
p1 = [1, 2, 3, 1]
orig_cost = 2 + 6 + 7
@test TSP.pathcost(dm, p1) == orig_cost
# various reverse indices to test
revs = [(1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,3)]
for rev in revs
path_rev = reverse(p1, rev[1], rev[2])
@test TSP.pathcost(dm, path_rev)
orig_cost + TSP.pathcost_rev_delta(dm, p1, rev[1], rev[2])
@test TSP.pathcost(dm, p1) == orig_cost
# various reverse indices to test
revs = [(1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,3)]
for rev in revs
path_rev = reverse(p1, rev[1], rev[2])
@test TSP.pathcost(dm, path_rev)
orig_cost + TSP.pathcost_rev_delta(dm, p1, rev[1], rev[2])

function test_solve_tsp()
dm = rand(10,10)
quality_factors = [-1, 0, 1.1, 35, 101]
for qf in quality_factors
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm; quality_factor = qf)
testpathvalidity(path, true)
dm = rand(10,10)
quality_factors = [-1, 0, 1.1, 35, 101]
for qf in quality_factors
path, cost = solve_tsp(dm; quality_factor = qf)
testpathvalidity(path, true)

function test_two_opt()
n = 50
dm = generate_planar_distmat(n)
path = collect(1:n)
path_2opt, _ = two_opt(dm, path)
testpathvalidity(path_2opt, false)
# shouldn't affect endpoints
@test path_2opt[1] == 1
@test path_2opt[end] == n
cycle = vcat(path, 1)
cycle_2opt, _ = two_opt(dm, cycle)
testpathvalidity(cycle_2opt, true)
# same endpoints
@test cycle_2opt[1] == 1 == cycle_2opt[n+1]
n = 50
dm = generate_planar_distmat(n)
path = collect(1:n)
path_2opt, _ = two_opt(dm, path)
testpathvalidity(path_2opt, false)
# shouldn't affect endpoints
@test path_2opt[1] == 1
@test path_2opt[end] == n
cycle = vcat(path, 1)
cycle_2opt, _ = two_opt(dm, cycle)
testpathvalidity(cycle_2opt, true)
# same endpoints
@test cycle_2opt[1] == 1 == cycle_2opt[n+1]

function test_atypical_types()
# rational distance matrix
dm = [rationalize(rand(); tol = .01) for i in 1:10, j in 1:10]
initpath = 1:2:9 # not a Vector, but <:AbstractVector{<:Int}
p, c = cheapest_insertion(dm, initpath)
testpathvalidity(p, false)
# rational distance matrix
dm = [rationalize(rand(); tol = .01) for i in 1:10, j in 1:10]
initpath = 1:2:9 # not a Vector, but <:AbstractVector{<:Int}
p, c = cheapest_insertion(dm, initpath)
testpathvalidity(p, false)
# Symmetric matrix type. <: AbstractMatrix, not a matrix.
dm = Symmetric(rand(15,15))
p, c = solve_tsp(dm; quality_factor = 60)
testpathvalidity(p, true)

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