This is the project for the challenges that I am working on at techCliks where I am interning
The challenges are designed that after I am done I will be a "professional" app developer
Task 1. Install Android studio and/or ios xcode. Install nodejs and npm modules required for react native development. Setup everything to be able to run Helloworld ReactNative program
Task 2. Implement a login screen. With username and password and a logo.
Task 3. Implement a Sample navigation using React Navigation. The sidebar navigation(Drawer).
Task 4. Implement a fetch API call to call the server and get user details from username and password.
Task 5. Implement Forgot Password screen.
Task 6. Implement fetch API call to call the server and show a new screen to show success.
Task 7. Include MOBX in your project and complete the login implementation and show logged in page.
Task 8. Build a user list navigation page and fetch the API call for the users.
Task 9. Build a UI so user can be activated/inactivated and roles can be changed.
Task 10. Build something which needs native APIs like camera or using touchID