Scout Probe is a service writen with Erlang, based on:
- EVE Static export
- EVE Online Image server
- Zkillboard API
Not fuly OTP, have no idea how to do OTP tracker without rewrting gen_server loop. No https. It's prety easy to enable https at cowboy by yourself. Created for The EVE Online API Challenge.
0.0.2 - public CREST cached by ets. Less list-processing.
get sqlite SDE, unpack
get dependencies, compile, run shell
$ ./rebar get-deps
$ ERL_LIBS=$ERL_LIBS:deps/cowboy make
$ make run
For noshel startup edit makefile.
Like any app based on erlang, Scout Probe has several modules:
- tracker - used to track user througth new eden
- router - spawned by router_sup for routing all events
- *_handler - cowboy request handlers
- crest - pure api for crest
- pub_crest - pure api for public crest
- sov - store and give information about soverenity
Due to time limit, there is no documentation yet. You can read sources.
Service is using "new" crest endpoints.
- characterLocationRead - nice working endpoint with one anoying bug|feature. If pilot route looks like System A->System B->System A endpoint result going to be "System B" for a while.
- characterNavigationWrite
- alliances
- solarsystems
- sovereignty/campaigns
- Delete rudiment code
- Swich to maps based router state
- More coments to code
- Rework web template (probably, not before 4th March)
- Rework ws timeout.