This is package is depricated take a look for Everscale .Net with Blazor WASM Adpater
This is amazing! Blazor in love with Free TON now!
Do you want build client web apps with C#?
Revolution is comming. Microsoft .NET Conf 2020 includes about fifteen presentation connected with Blazor and Blazor Webassembly.
And now we can connect it with Free TON network 🌟
mkdir BlazorTon
cd BlazorTon
dotnet new sln
dotnet new blazorwasm
dotnet sln add .\BlazorTon.csproj
dotnet add package ch1seL.TonClientBlazor
<script src="_content/ch1seL.TonClientBlazor/js/tonclient.js"></script>
ITonClient TonClient { get; set; }