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Leon Evers edited this page Nov 24, 2013 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Forest wiki!

Forest is my programming project to explore the possibilities of making programming languages extensible. This project aims to deliver a compiler that allows to add syntax to a programming language by the users of the language, or embed one language within another one. Naturally, this requires extensible versions of a parser, AST generator, syntax tree transformations, and code generation, as well as IDE support.

I have started to focus on the JVM platform (and the Java language primarily), but it would be a great idea to apply the Forest technique to other languages and platforms as well (think C#/.Net, Clang/LLVM...)

If you want to know why I think this is interesting please read the background page, or go on to read about the project goals and how it works.

I like to hear what you think of it. Please comment if you have an opinion on this ..!

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