.NET Core Online eCommerse digital shopping cart application implementing a monolithic N-tier architecture application.
- SQL Server
- Visual Studio 2017 & with .NET Core SDK >= 2.2
Steps to run
- Have a running DB server & update the connection string in appsettings.json in ShoppingCartStore.Web.
- Build solution.
- In Solution Explorer, make sure that ShoppingCartStore.Web is selected as the Startup Project.
- Open Package Manager Console Window & execute "Update-Database" then press "Enter". This action will create database schema.
- In Visual Studio, press "Control + F5".
- ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2
- Entity Framework Core 2.2
- ASP.NET Identity Core 2.2
(Keywords for SEO purposes) .NET Core Store, .NET Core MVC, .NET Core Shopping Cart, .NET Core Store, Entity Framework