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Emacs settings for all computers across the board (different laptops and workstatations)

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Emacs Configuration Based on use-package

Motivational points:

  • Everything, including customization modules, is loaded using use-package. Because use-package wasn't a part of Emacs until 24.5 this configuration /as is/ is not working with 24.4. However it could be easily modified by just installing use-package via ELPA at the beginning.
  • Having configuration in Emacs-Lisp. I used to have literate programming style configuration using org-babel, but seems like complications: tricky navigation, swithing to source editing and back, reloading issues, performance hit outweigh the benefit of having a good documentation and code visibility manager.

Since configuration is changing all the time, there's no point to describe it at length. Just some of the highlights.

Some Packages/Tools

  • ag - I use my own custom ag.el because I need it to work on Windows
  • browse-kill-ring
  • undo-tree
  • ace-window
  • ace-jump
  • ido including ido-ubiquitous and flx-ido
  • hide-lines
  • projectile and find-file-in-project
  • company
  • flycheck
  • paredit
  • Python programming: python-mode, anaconda
  • C/C++: cc-mode, c-company-headers, c-eldoc
  • Javascript via js-2, tern, mocha, js-comint
  • Docker: dockerfile-mode, yaml and docker

Some Shortcuts


  • C-h M-k describe keymap
  • C-h C-c describe character at point
  • C-h C-b describes keys customizations

Some Useful Keymaps

These could be explored further via C-h M-k for example

  • C-x f file opening map
  • C-x t toggling keymap
  • C-x w windows management keymap
  • C-z personal keymap

Buffer Visibility / Navigation

  • C-z / changes visibility via hide-lines
  • M-s o shows occurences of a string in a buffer (occur)
  • M-s O multi buffer occur (moccur)
  • M-g j starts avy-jump


  • C-x K kill this buffer
  • C-M-: start/switch to IELM with current buffer
  • M-z is zapping up to a character, M-Z zaps to character. Zapping backward is via negative universal argument.



  • Using outline

    • Faces for outline headers
    • use outshine speedy
    • configure better keys like M-left, M-right, etc.
    • Configure folds
  • Add ripgrep via deadgrep to M-s search keymap

  • Move all the parts configuration ffe-* files to init.el once outline is used.

  • Heavy configuration parts can go to *-plus packages


Emacs settings for all computers across the board (different laptops and workstatations)






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