A lib to create a channel to send and receive messages
// Import lib
import Channel from 'channeljs';
// Define a Message Map that will be implemented to a Channel:
// keys of the Map are messages (may be string, number or symbol);
// value is an array of arguments that will be provided to the listeners.
type MessageMap = [
[':click', [x: number, y: number]]
// Create a channel
const channel = new Channel<MessageMap>();
// Create a handle listener
const handle = (x: number, y: number) => { /** Your Code */ };
// Subscribe on message by handle
channel.rx.on(':click', handle);
// Subscribe on message by handle.
// Your subsctibtion will be terminated after the message will be sent.
// Do not need a reason to store your listeners
channel.rx.once(':click', (x: number, y: number) => { /** Your Code */ });
// Subscribe on message using lambda function and store it in some var
// Don not forget to store your lambda if you need to unsubscribe it
const lambda = channel.rx.on(':click', (x: number, y: number) => { /** Your Code */ });
// Subscribe on message thought the weak ref.
// Your subsctibtion will be alive while the ref is alive
const ref = channel.rx.onweak(':click', (x: number, y: number) => { /** Your Code */ });
// Sending a ':click' message with x: 10, y: 20
// After sending all listeners above will be work.
// The second listener (that used 'once') will be terminated
channel.tx.send(':click', 10, 20);
// Deleting the first listener
channel.rx.off(':click', handle);
// ...
// After a while (but not immediately) your 'ref' will be expired.
// Sending a new message execute only the third listener 'lambda',
// because the 'ref' listener terminated.
channel.tx.send(':click', 20, 30);
// But you you lost your 'lambda' listener cause we out of the scope.
// To make sure that we have no leaks call 'clear' at channel.
// It guarantees that all subscribers will be removed