This library was generated with Angular CLI version 18.2.0.
- once the angular application setup is ready, install the Ngx Country selector library using the following command
npm i ngx-country-selector
Add the CSS Either import the CSS directly to styles.scss file
@import "node_modules/ngx-country-selector/assets/styles.css";
Or, add CSS file in angular.json in the styles array in the build section
"styles": [ "node_modules/ngx-country-selector/assets/styles.css", "src/styles.scss" ],
Import CountrySelectorLibraryComponent import CountrySelectorLibraryComponent in module where you want to add the countries dropdown, it may be app-module, some lazy loaded module or a standalone component
imports: [ CountrySelectorLibraryComponent ],
Add the country component to the component where is being used
####The below table explains what all Input properties country dropdown accepts and their usage
Property | Type and default values | Description |
preferredCountryCodes | Type: string array(string[]),Default value: [] | the list of country codes which needs to be displayed on top section. ex. if user provided ['in', 'us'], India and United States will be displayed on top |
blockedCountryCodes | Type: string array(string[]),Default value: [] | an array of country codes which are not required in the list. Ex. if some client is not servicing some specific countries can be removed from the country dropdown using this. |
allowedCountryCodes | Type: string array(string[]),Default value: [] | Only countries which will be displayed in the country list |
selectedCountryConfig | Type: IConfig (see table below for IConfig properties), Default value: {} | Provides config for the selected country, and controls what all will be displayed. Ex. if the user do not want to display flag for the selected item, can be controlled with this property(refer to config table for details) |
countryListConfig | Type: IConfig (see table below for IConfig properties), Default value: {} | Provides config for the country list, and controls what all will be displayed in the country list. Ex. if the user do not want to see flag or dial code or name in the country list, can be controlled with this property(refer to config table for details) |
label | Type: string Default value: 'Select country' | `mat-form-field` label's text |
placeholderText | Type: string Default value: 'Select country' | To change the default placeholder label. |
loading | Type: boolean Default value: false | Whether the component is loading. |
readonly | Type: boolean Default value: false | Whether the component is read only. |
clearable | Type: boolean Default value: false | To show clear button. |
required | Type: boolean Default value: false | Whether the component is required. Note: `FormControl` validator need to be setup too |
error | Type: string Default value: '' | To set the error message for required validation. |
onCountryChange | Country type ICountry | returns the selected country |
loginForm = new FormGroup({
username: new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
password: new FormControl('', Validators.required),
country: new FormControl({value: {code:'in'} as ICountry | null, disabled: false},
Validators.required), // need to send both validator and required input value to make it work
[readonly]="readonly() || loading()"
[customNaming]="{ gb: 'United Kingdom'}"
error="Country is required"
Config properties can be used to control what will be displayed in the country list and for the selected country.
Exported interface
export interface IConfig {
hideFlag?: boolean;
hideCode?: boolean;
hideName?: boolean;
showLocalName?: boolean;
hideSearch?: boolean;
hideDialCode?: boolean;
displayCapital?: boolean;
displayLanguageCode?: boolean;
displayLanguageName?: boolean;
displayCurrencyCode?: boolean
displayCurrencyName?: boolean
displayCurrencySymbol?: boolean
hideFlag | Boolean, Default value: false | to hide flag from country list or selected country |
hideCode | Boolean, Default value: false | to hide country code |
hideName | Boolean, Default value: false | to hide country name |
showLocalName | Boolean, Default value: false | to show local name of the country |
hideSearch | Boolean, Default value: false | to hide search field from country list |
hideDialCode | Boolean, Default value: false | to hide dial code |
displayCapital | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country capital |
displayLanguageCode | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country language code |
displayLanguageName | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country language name |
displayCurrencyCode | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country currency code |
displayCurrencyName | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country currency name |
displayCurrencySymbol | Boolean, Default value: false | to display country currency symbol |
On country selection output of ICountry type will be emitted. Handle country change event
<lib-country-selector (onCountryChange)="onCountryChange($event)"></lib-country-selector>
onCountryChange(country: ICountry){
output in console
name: 'Afghanistan',
localName: 'افغانستان',
code: 'AF',
capital: 'Kabul',
region: 'AS',
currency: {
code: 'AFN',
name: 'Afghan afghani',
symbol: '؋',
language: {
code: 'ps',
name: 'Pashto',
dialling_code: '+93',
isoCode: '004',
export interface ICountry {
name?: string;
localName?: string;
code?: string;
capital?: string;
region?: string;
currency?: ICurrency
language?: ILanguage
dialling_code?: string;
isoCode?: string;
demonym?: string;
export interface ICurrency {
code?: string | null;
name?: string;
symbol?: string | null;
export interface ILanguage {
code?: string;
name?: string;
iso639_2?: string,
nativeName?: string
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This project includes code and concepts inspired by the following:
- angular-material-extensions/select-country by Anthony Nahas, licensed under the MIT License.
- ngx-countries-dropdown by Kapil Kumar, licensed under the MIT License.